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"Tony I'm home!" Steve said excitedly. He was happy to be home. He was glad to be home. He stepped through the front door and was shocked. The house was spotless barring a mug on the coffee table which had coffee in it. Steve looked around and then Tony came through.

"You're home?" He smiled. He seemed like his old self. It was refreshing for Steve to see.

"You managed without me then?" He asked. 

"Yeah. I thought that's what you wanted."

"It was. I'm so glad." Steve kissed him and wrapped his arms around him. Steve stroked his cheek. 

"How was your break?" Tony asked him. He put his head on Steve's chest. Steve didn't say anything. He was now feeling rather guilty for leaving him and for spending time with Bucky when everyone knew that Bucky had feelings for him.

"it was... good." Steve mumbled.  "My parents kept their distance. I actually felt like an adult while there. Oh and I saw Natasha. She's working at a diner. Gave me her number." He wasn't going to tell Tony about Bucky. 

"Natasha? Oh thats nice. Invite her round sometime. I know its a bit of a journey from there to here, but it'll be nice to see her. In fact we should have a party to celebrate. Ill invite Rhodey and um... Pepper... and uhm..." he couldn't think of people.

"Thor and his brother?" Steve suggested. Tony nodded. "What will we be celebrating?"

"Me being in sound mind again. You being back. Seeing old friends. Getting our lives back on track..." There was a lot of things they could celebrate. Tony kept listing them.

And so they sent invites for the weekend. Natasha accepted. Rhodey accepted. Thor and Loki accepted. Pepper rejected just because it was an invite from Tony. With them being sort of 'exes' it made her feel awkward. 

Steve bought some alcohol and some crisps. The guests started to arrive and Tony was acting a little like a child, all excited. It was only a small party but it was an intimate one and so he was happy. He started to drink, but he didn't want to get overly drunk because he'd end up regretting it. Steve on the other hand, was seemingly relaxed- though every time he looked at Tony he took a mouthful of a drink. Tony thought it was a bit of a drinking game, but it wasn't. 

We're just falling apart (Steve x Tony)Where stories live. Discover now