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Steve's POV

When we got home after the gym, Tony was in a foul mood. He hadn't touched his burger and he didn't look like he was going to.

"Tony" I said softly. He glared at me. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Everything's peachy." He said and got out of the car. His attitude told me that he wasn't alright. Why would he be though? 

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I followed him.

"No. You know what Steve. F*ck you. This was your f*cking fault." He snapped. 

"How is it my fault?"

"If you hadn't forced me to go there then none of this would have happened! I would have been curled up in bed asleep. Now I doubt thats going to happen any time soon. Thank you for ruining my life!" I took a step back. He was crying and I couldn't help him. I reached for him and he slapped my hand "Don't f*cking touch me. I don't like being touched any more." He said and walked out.  The gym had ruined him and it was my fault for making him go.

Tony's POV

It wasn't Steve's fault. I just felt angry and sad... and a little scared.

Steve had showered me at the gym, but I still decided to run a bath. I felt unclean. Unworthy. Like a piece of meat. I needed to be washed. 

I sat in a fresh pair of swimming trunks in that water for 3 hours before Steve knocked on the door wanting to use the toilet.

"Steve" I called. He peeped his head through. "I'm sorry" I said. My face was wet, but not from the water. From crying.

He walked over to me and brought my head to his chest. Its comfortable there. His muscles were like a pillow.  

"Tony you're going pale." He said "You should probably get out of the water."

"Nuu" I whined in a child like manner. He lifted my head.

"Listen to me Tony. You're going to get sick if you stay in that water much longer. Come on. Lets get you out and dry, into pyjamas and we can eat popcorn and watch a movie cuddled up under a blanket.

"I want my burger." I whispered. Steve thought for a moment.

"Ill heat it up for you then. Come on" He said. I stood up and he wrapped a towel around me. He was being very gentle. Treating me like a small child. But to be honest, that is what I needed right now. I needed my brain to shut down and stop thinking so that I could relax. Relaxing has never been my strong suit. 

My mind started to slip. I wasn't thinking like myself. I looked down. I didn't feel like myself but I didn't care. I liked not being me. 

I wrapped my arms around Steve and he picked me up. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. 

Steve took me to my room and I let him dress me. My legs felt a little weak, like I couldn't support myself. But Steve treat me well and put me in my most comfortable pyjamas before helping me to the couch.  

We're just falling apart (Steve x Tony)Where stories live. Discover now