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Steve cleared up the house on his own. Thor didn't help, he was just watching him. He didn't mind Thor not helping though, he knew the man was hungover. 

"I messed things up this morning, didn't I?" Steve asked Thor, not really expecting an answer, but Thor did.

"It wasn't this morning that you messed up. It was when you chose to cheat on your boyfriend. Today you headed on the path of clearing up the mess." Steve thought about what Thor said to him. He nodded.

"I understand." He said

Tony pulled away from Loki, blushing a little bit. Loki bit his lip unsure as how to react.

"Well that was different, being the one the person is cheating with rather than on." He put his hand behind his head and rubbed the back of his neck. "I must say I wasn't overly fond of being in that position." Loki got out the car. Tony nodded. He joined him and they headed into the mall not saying anything.  "Because I know that I am still second best. I am not your first choice." Loki admitted. Tony understood that. "Also... I don't like the idea of being a rebound guy."

Tony let out a hum as a response. He took Loki's hand and dragged him into a clothes store.

"I don't want you to be my rebound guy. I felt wrong as well when I kissed you." Loki nodded. He didn't understand why Tony was holding his hand though. He sighed. They looked around the shop and Tony found some new shirts he liked. He decided to buy them. Loki didn't want to buy anything because the shop was rather expensive. "I'll buy you anything you want." Tony told him. With that statement, suddenly Loki had a pile of clothing in his arms. "Okay reign it in a little."

They were out for a while. Steve started to get anxious. He was sat waiting for him to come back. He wanted to talk to Tony. He wanted to apologise. His mind was wandering everywhere.

It was late when Tony  came back with Loki. They were laughing and carrying bags. Tony looked over to Steve and then the air turned stale. Loki rushed out quickly, heading home. 

"I've been waiting for you. What do you want for dinner?" Steve asked.

"I'm not hungry." Tony put the bags down and walked over to Steve. "You know... I don't want excuses or even an apology from you. I just want to know if you want to stay with me or go to him."

"I... I don't know. When I was with him, I haven't felt that way in a long time and I enjoyed it. But coming back and seeing that you had looked after yourself. That you were so happy to see me. You were like a dog wagging its tail. Really adorable. And I felt it with you again.. finally. But I also then felt guilt."

"Guilt... So you do wanna be with me?"  Steve nodded. He did. Tony took his hand. "Good. Because I want you to stay with me."

We're just falling apart (Steve x Tony)Where stories live. Discover now