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Everyone was dressed in black. The sun was out- mocking those who grieved. The funeral wasn't very large. Tony wasn't very good with people when he was alive but he still had friends. Natasha, Loki, Thor... Bruce came to say his goodbyes, a kid called Peter Parker, and other people. Obviously Steve was there, and even Clint came. He wasn't really accepted to be there by Steve, but he stayed to say his goodbyes.

Steve stood in front of people. 

"Tony was..." he was trying to keep his composure. "Tony was an amazing person. He struggled a lot after events that happened at school but he was getting better. He was beloved. He was special. He was very intelligent. It is a great loss. He was taken from us before his time. And I for one am going to miss him. He made my life worth living, and I wanted to spend my life with him." He was in tears. Other people were crying too. Natasha walked over to Steve and hugged him.

"Um. I don't know what to say, but like Steve said, this man was beloved. He wasn't loved widely, but he was loved deeply. He had a deep charm and was able to make so many people smile. Even in death he is still loved. He might have died but he is still in our hearts and wherever he ends up- he will be watching over us and taking care of us." She said and ended the speeches. The body was buried as sad songs were played.

Everyone hugged Steve as they left, except for Loki. He stood next to him and took his hand- it wasn't like Loki to be like this, but he didn't deal with the death of loved ones very well. 

"It's not fair, Loki. We were falling apart, and I had just gotten him back. He was taken from me." Loki nodded. 

"I'll stay by your side... for as long as you need. I'll help you move on, you can stay with me and Thor until you feel up for facing it..." He meant the home. The kitchen at home was trashed. The bed was cold next to Steve as he slept- well he didn't sleep. The lab- full of Tony's life- was a mess. Everything was empty and cold at home. It tore Steve up. He laid his head on Loki.

"It really hurts. I don't know if I can get past this."

"I know that you can. You'll make it through." Loki tried to tell him.

We're just falling apart (Steve x Tony)Where stories live. Discover now