3, Epilogue

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You sat down near the ceiling to floor window, catching some breath. It hasn't been awhile since you've started working at the lovely cafe at your neighborhood as you wanted to train to be a barista.

Not only that, after some thinking you have decided to enroll into a university, taking[. .]course. It was never easy, nothing really was but you are motivated to keep on going as you received supports and motivations from your family.

The ringings from your phone cut off your train of thoughts, fishing it from your jeans pocket.


[That's it? Hey?]

"Hey, Byun."

[Even though you're tired, you still able to call me Byun?]

"To annoy you Byun."

[Anyways- I'm here]

You sat up straight looking around for his black hair around until you hear knockings on the glass window beside me. Somehow, you manage to convince him to dye his hair black last week.

There he stood with a childish smile, wearing his usual white t-shirt tucked into his jeans.
You then realized you are wearing the same jeans as his.

"Did you brought your wallet? Cause last time you don't and we can't buy anything to eat- even a cheap popsicle."

[It's right here in my pocket! You still don't want to drop that- Come out now.]

He ends the call and you went to the staff room to hang the apron and wear
your long cardigan. Baekhyun usually came to your cafe at noon, where you have a short breaktime allowing
you to go out with Baekhyun to lunch.

You made it clear with everyone that you'll be just fine going out for lunch alone but sometimes they insist to spend time with you or they are simply free.
Other than Baekhyun, your brother or Jongdae even Minseok came. Sometimes your mother came by too.

"Baekhyun let's go.", you spotted him waiting outside the cafe below a shady tree. He rushed to catch up with you as you walk towards the direction to the food trucks nearby the cafe.

Both of you walked in silence enjoying the spring wind blew gingerly against your skin. You feel relaxed even when your body is already sore working at the cafe.

You take in the surroundings. People walking around with their work attires, the traffic seems busy because it's around lunchtime now. The cherry blossoms in full bloom, the pedestrian walkway almost covered with fallen patels.

Without warning, you felt a hand holding you close. Baekhyun's gaze were focused ahead, you followed his gaze.
Someone was walking with her dog, a huge one and it almost came near you.

Baekhyun just pull you behind him, just to make sure the dog won't step closer.

"You remembered."

He lowered his gaze to you with a small smile "of course, because i think that you're weird. I mean who gets scared with dogs? Those adorable creatures."

"Got chased by the big ones when I'm younger. Chanyeol once even have the audacity to leave me behind.", you
laughed at the memories, remembering how tired you get after being chased. Just thinking about growing up with the snowball made you smile lovingly.

There were silence. You switched your gaze from the dog walking pass you to Baekhyun. Eyes already on you, making your heart flutters.

"I've set my eyes on you and willingly wants to be there for you."

 My Angel | Baekhyun.✔Where stories live. Discover now