💔7//They got your back

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After the long ride in the car, you had finally arrived at the mall.Chanyeol showed us his favourite cafe,

Universe Coffee.

The cafe was filled with the scents from coffee beans and melodious songs been played.The interior was simple and urban.

Your brother ordered for all of you. You heard that baekhyun ordered a white coffee.

"Uhmm, how should I address you?", you started and his gaze locked with yours. It just felt frustrating every time you want to called out for him.

"I was born at the same year as Chan, but I'm older than him for a
few months.. You could just call me Baekhyun if you're prefer to."

"Well, I think I should just call you Baeekhyun oppa.. you're older than me.", a smile grew across your lips when he almost had his ears coloured red.

"But my manners didn't go like my age right?", You laughed at his
respond while he snickered and joined you to laugh. Yes.
Yes he's definitely hit the right answer by his words.He have that merrily and comical self in his personality.

"You guys should calm down right

Chanyeol came back with the drinks and settled down beside Baekhyun. He still have the annoyed gleam on his face.

"Aigoo~ Chanyeol ah you are sooo smelly",Baekhyun said innocently to Chanyeol.He returned a narrowed stare. "Aigooo~ Baekhyun ah, you look slimmer after you jogged", He pulled out his phone and showed Baekhyun's picture, showing off his round belly.

Chanyeol told that they were traveling to Japan at that
time and elaborate more at Baekhyun's never ending eating sessions.

You can't help it.

You laughed hardly untill your stomach hurts so bad. Baekhyun's silky white face turns red, he pouted his lips and gave your brother a sharp, cute,hilarious stare.

And again, you laughed hysterically
with your brother.

While you were laughing like the world's spinning, your eyes caught your mother sitting at the furthest table in the cafe with your father. It looked like they came here because
of you.

You eyed at them and soon, you caught your mother gazing back at you with her shocked expression.

Your brother notice the face that you're wearing and asked your condition. "Let's leave right now oppa.", you shaking his hand on the table with your trembled hands.

He could easily tell that you started to feeling uncomfortable. Without asking anything further more, he informed Baekhyun and all of you left the cafe.

All the way to the parking lot, you remained silent.When you finally inside the car, sitting at the backseat
you blurt it out.

Your brother instantly turned his head to look at your blank face. He let out a sigh and started the engine.Baekhyun
that had awared the silence situation just sat down quietly.

As you had arrived,you went straight into your brother's room. While your brother planning something with Baekhyun.

"Can't you buy the dress for her?", Chanyeol asked Baekhyun.
"But I don't know her size and I don't know what dress she wants.. let's just see her condition first.", the both of
them went to the room.

He opened the door, he saw you laying on the bed weakly in the dark.

Baekhyun switch the lights on while Chanyeol sits beside you on the bed, he turned to look at you.
"Are you doing fine?"

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