you ,

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all about you, hotel del luna ost. Gosh all hotel del Luna's
Ost are really a masterpiece. And this song is about to always be at each other side even as the time keeps on flowing.

[Honestly, what's the truth? Chapter 27??]

I woke up feeling empty. Empty stomach. Ugh, i fell asleep and
forgot about eating lunch. How strange. I'd never forget about eating..

Slowly, I crack my eyes open. Its feels so heavy like I've cried
ocean of tears. "Hmm, what should i eat--", I take that back.
What should i do if my crush is sleeping beside me.

Byun Baekhyun, the guy that I suddenly learned to like, the owner of this very room I've slept, by accident. The one that already inhabits my mind before i even know.

That explains why the bed feel so warm.

I was about to wake him the hell up by shaking his shoulder
but. But then i realize that our hands were already clasped
together. "What a life.." , I whispered quitely to myself.

He even held my hand tightly. Like it's normal TO DO SO.

"You're awake? Finally?"

His unusual husky rang my ears. I was tooo focused on the fact
that we held hands, that I flinched at him trying to sit up from his sleeping position earlier.

"Hey, are you okay now? Do you need anything?", He squinted
his eyes and turned his body to look at me in the eyes. My eyebrows knitted together, "Well, the stomach is hungry."

The room, his room, is dark. I can't believe i slept at afternoon
and woke up when its already night.

The only source of light came from the moon, but I manage to watch Baekhyun lazily smile in amusement at me. "I can't let that happen then.. Let's order the foods online."

I switched the lights on and was about to open the door,
"Woah, are you planning to steal all of my favourite clothes?"

Shoot. I was having a mini fashion show with his tempting
outfits earlier. IM STILL wearing his clothes. Why? Why?

" Hey, stop don't run away. Stop right there.. turn around."

With all my might, i turned and stare at his face. Im wearing
his blue silk shirt, white short coat and some of his
silver rings, even bracelets.

"You almost bring out half of my clothes from the closet, messing up the accessories drawers and shoes. Even got myself cleaning
all of your own chaos.", He voiced out his anger.

I stepped closer to him, "Sorry for what i did.."

"You look good in my clothes anyways.. Now, go shower and come down when you're done. In 15 minutes."

Baekhyun drag himself to the living room downstairs. I walk
back to my room beside his and did as he commanded.
Is he mad about me wearing his clothes or not??

No worries. Persuading would be my greatest skill.

As soon as I went to the living room, he stood infront of me "Here, order anything that you want. I'll be in the kitchen.", he holds out his phone to me and instantly took off.

"So, he's mad with me... but he smiled at me."

I was scrolling down the meals offered in the app that specialized for food and beverages, when a message popped in.

 My Angel | Baekhyun.✔Where stories live. Discover now