❤16// 7 soju got him.

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*Normal pov*

The sun started to rise.Fluffy
clouds were cloured with pastel colors. The sunlight kept shining
through the curtains..

Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders
as the cold air from the air
conditioner,brushing his silky
white skin.

He turned his head to his right,
feeling a pair of hands were holding
onto his arms.

It was you.

You rested your head on his arm,
holding it tightly as you still
sitting on the chair.

He caressing your long hair that
was covering your face,the face
that he missed so much until it
makes him fall for you deeply, and
drunk over 7 bottles of soju.

His slender hand strokes your rosey,fluffy cheeks.Staring,admiring
each features of you that always
captures his attention.Curiousity,
worries,love started to filling his

You are just perfect Y/n.You are
lovely,stunning painting I've ever


You slowly lifted your heavy
eyelids.As your vision had clear,
Baekhyun had already turned his body faced at you and staring at you with his eyelids were getting heavier..

"Ah oppa you're awake.",you said
softly,as your head still on his

" I'm so sorry for sleeping on the bed.",he replied back and looked
at you.

"Ah gwaenchanha~.You had already
drunk when you arrived."

He suddenly lessens the distance
between you. His face was too
close with yours.You could feel
his warm breath fanning your face..

His lips started to apart.

His gaze fell at your lips.

"You are sooooo cute.",he said as
his eyes met your eyes.

He kissed you at your cheek.

"Oppa you are still-",he kissed your
cheek again.Your heavy eyelids
became wider in shock.

"Oppa you really-",he didn't land
his lips on your cheeks...instead
you felt something moist at your
lips..he kissed at your lips.

Silence filled the room.Your eyes
met his ,locking your gaze with

"Oppa..why did you do that?",you
asked curiously as his behavior
became more stranger than

"Drunk,said that he miss me soo
much and my cute voice?,kissing me all of the sudden... And-and I
suddenly felt comfortable when he
hugged me? And why all of sudden I
stared at him like he was my precious
puppy last night?? Aishhh you're
driving me crazy Byun Baekhyun.."

You replaying back all the strange
yet heart-fluttering memories that
you had spent with him that had makes you heart suddenly beating hysterically, your cheeks started to burning up and felt awkward to
face him without falling on the ground and being unconscious for
as long as you wanted...

"Why are you treating me like this?
Why are making my heart beating
in this strange rhythm without a warning?You've got me going crazy,
You're making me dizzy...

"Are you falling for me?...."


💖Hi!!!Soo sorry for updating
late.Thank you for still reading this
short chapter.💖

#vote it #pls forgive me for my English

#Monster #Thank you💗

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