💖24 - This guy

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~For Chan's death rolling worth comeback..
I posted dis chap♡

*Your pov & normal pov*

I felt wind brushing my skin. Soon
green hills, fully green grasses and
trees that bloomed like the way it
will in spring season, came into view.
I was sitting on a mat under an enourmes growned tree, my fingers playing with the grass and eyed the bright blue sky.

Out of nowhere, someone appeared
infront of me. The person's face
was blurry and had a wide smile.
My heart felt warm and melted by the person's presence. I could even feel
how fast it pounds.

My hands strech out to this person's face. It's very blurred. Eyes, nose, cheeks, lips. I can't guess whose features match with the people that I know. As I reach, I felt pain, somewhere on my face.My fingers ran over my face.

The view infront of me disappear.

My eyelids flew open when my
fingers touches my nose. Just why can't Park Chanyeol wake me up without doing anything annoying?

There's another fingers that still
on my nose. Certainly not that
giant snowball's fingers, I thought as
I grazing on its skin.

My visions came into focus and his
face came clear. Baekhyun.
"What's the reason he's pinching
my freaking nose this close?"

Minutes pass by, but neither of you
talked. Maybe it's because of your still inactive soul that set you in daze.

While deep down inside you, somehow you want to stay in this state. In this position. Facing at each other close. Absorbing each other's features. Reading each other's emotions.

His fingers on your slight red nose slowly moves across your face,
caressing your cheeks. His eyes tailed
each of the fingers trails.

"You make my heart pounds."

You blurted out. Baekhyun pulls
back his hand and adverted his
gaze away from your face.

"I'm sorry... y/n."

He whispers but your ears still catch
his words. His gazed outside the
car, not wanting to meet your eyes.
While you, just realize what the hell you did,woke up from your daze and sat up.

Stumbling out of the car, you leave
Baekhyun without a sentence. You
just walk around, trying to run away
from him and hide away. Cluelessly
looking around the environment,
you're sure that you've never came
here. "Where am-- "

He appeared in front of you and
held your arm. "Come on, Chanyeol's waiting.", he casually uttered with a smol smile on his face. Your whole body were still heating up back there at your stupidity and now it just doubled more. He let your arm go and guided you by walking ahead of you.

The nature's that were surrounding you was such a calming view but it didn't quite help you with your over-thinking mind. You just blurt out
something so, soo honest feeling
in Baekhyun's face. Like how? How
did you do that? , you mumbling at
yourself. And he's an issue too! Why
did he pinch your nose at a distance
that could invade your comfort?

"But you didn't even willing to scold him."

The voice in your head said. And the
most strange thought you had back
there when he sat close with you was,

The moment to last longer. and you
have the right to be with him.


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