💖23-The locked away feelings💖

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💕YEAHHH... I finally updated
this last chapter!! A clap for me.


*Your pov *

I looked at the digital clock in my


Its my 12th time of checking,staring
at the clock but I didn't get tired of
my actions.It's 2.09am in the morr--and it's 2.12am in the morning..
"Aaaaarghhkk",I let out a tiny,
dramatic shriek,cause my brain is
blank right now.. I've done everything
that I usually do when I can't freaking
get a sleep!

Be comfortable,hug pillows,plushies,
close my eyes keep hoping that I can
enter the dreamland,play my lullaby
tracklists,do a lot of jumping jacks,
crazily setting the aircond up to the
third level of winding just to make
my eyelids heavy eventhough the
fall season nights in seoul are getting chilly cold... and right now,here I am
lying on the bed staring at the beautifully made ceiling.

Oh,my mind didn't not even ONCE
processed images of horror things
that will definitely make my eyes
pinned open.. it went somewhere

Byun Baekhyun,Baekhyun oppa,

The moment I walked into the house,
every space in the house makes me
think "Baekhyun oppa." and that's
the problem.Chanyeol oppa bid me goodnight,and instantly went to my room.I felt like my body was hollowed. It felt empty.

  I don't know what and why I'm thinking about him.Is it worrying?,
loneliness?Dullness without his absence? Or missing? That kind of
missing... missing his presence.

Gosh.. this is.. this is too much.... to
much to handle.Why am I thinking about him??He's still a stranger to me, but he's chanyeol oppa's friend.. but he's a kind-hearted stranger.He really took care of me,worries for me,didn't take any advantage of me..... then,he's not a stranger anymore right? I can call him a friend right?

But if he's a 'friend',why did I felt
this kind of feeling? That kind of
feeling that makes people confused
and in denial at the same time.

When he stood beside me,when he
sits beside me,when he locked my
eyes with him,when he talks to me,
when he laughs with me... when he
calls out MY name.

  It's just feel so unreal. It maybe had
been a while since I've met him but,
my heart would beat hysterically
everytime. It beats in excitement just
like how my lips could easily stretched into smiles and laughs.

"It's either I'm new to this vibes or I
have a naive and clueless mind."

I heaved a sigh, a heavy sigh and
got up just to sit on the edge of
the bed.After interviewed my heart
and soul, I gave up.. I have
to gave up and admit it.

"I miss him..... a lot?"

"Miss him a lot than I thought?"

"Damm it, I really do miss him."

I stood on my feet and opened the
door of my room.I need to get out.
I need to clear my mind a bit.Now
that I finally admit that I missed him,
it helps my suffocated lungs.

I was climbing down the stairs,
when I spotted my conscious brother
walking out from the kitchen,my
feet stopped on the middle.
"Oppa.",I spoke.He turned and faced
me with his eyes doubled bigger.
"Y/n? Yah,you aren't sleeping?", I
walked to him and just joined him
on the sofa. He settled down a mug
on the coffee table infront that he
bought from the kitchen."Hot
choco?", my eyes were pinned on
the drink and he replied, "It's--"

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