I Have

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  "What's in your mind, precious?"

It's that guy.

His whole face blurred.

I look around the environment,
eyeing the dark sky, different
shades of lights , processing
everything. I tried to utter a question,
but no words could roll out.

Until my eyes fall on a big pirate
ship ride.

He held my hand, wrapping with
his much larger ones. Warm ones.

"Challenge accepted."


  I woke up at my brother's morning voice and his endless tickles on my waist and neck that results me rolling till I fell from his queen sized bed.

  "Yahh! You and your methods of
waking me up are --"


  I flinched at the pain on my left
arm, rubbing it while he, kept laughing with his hands clapping
together. Reminding me of a baby seal.

"You always have been a heavy sleeper, lil sis. I could have mistaken your spirit had left your soul!", he offered his hand to lift my
still laying soul which I accepted and
sneak my free hand on his waist to
tickle him the way he did to me.

  The giant snowball falls and rolled on the floor at my fast and furious tickles. He yelled at me even laugh and lowkey trying to rip my hands of him. "If only I could just grab my
phone and record his damn ridiculous
face! " , he's wheezing like there's no
air in the air and almost hit me
with all his might. When I have enough, I bolt away from him and rushed down the stairs.

"Park Y/N!"

My lips streched in mischief and
ran into the kitchen until I bumped
into a certain person's chest, hardly
that I almost fell back. "Y/n! Are you
alright?", Baekhyun asked with his
wide eyes and put his hand at the
spot I just bumped to. I was catching
my breath, "Soo sorry, for --", and
Chanyeol came down from the stairs,
yelling out my name. Or nicknames.

I quickly hid behind the confused Baekhyun, my hands grabbing his broad shoulders. "Sorry for this one,
Oppa.", I whispered besides his
ear. Suddenly I could feel his
shoulders became stiff.

" Oho, Baek is joining the chase?"

Chanyeol smiled excitedly, mischievous aura surrounding his
steps towards us. "Stop right there,
Park Chanyeol. Freaking stopp!",
Baekhyun just got more trembling
and his voice came out more annoying loud, yelling to stop
Chanyeol when he charge
towards us, ready to jump at us and


Chanyeol stopped in front of us,
eyes closed while water started to
drench his favourite light pink pajama. My wide eyes went to Baekhyun's left hand, a glass. He was
holding a glass of orange juice all

The both of us let out a nervous,
amused laugh, Chanyeol stood there
trying to accept his fate. Silent
ingulfs our laughs when Chanyeol

"First of all, Baek, you're using MY
instant orange juice mixture.
Second, you're cleaning all the mess
.. that's about to happen!!"

"Busted~ Damn."

Baekhyun manage to said before
Chanyeol charges to us again.

We run around the house,

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