💔22-Hold onto you❤

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24/7 by EXO
You guys can play it😊

*Your pov*

Of course.Of course he got tensed
by my sudden embrace,but he just
let me comfort him..cause at this
fucked up time,all he want is that
somebody would be beside him,
putting him back into himself together.And here he is,asleep on my
shoulders.My hands reached his
cheeks that were stained with salty
tears of his.While I was busy running
my fingers over his face to wipe
off his tears,a doctor approached us.

"oh,annyeonghaseyo",I lowly
spoke and bend my head down.

"Are you Byun Baekhyun's guardian?"

"Yes,I am.Is he fine?"

"He is stable at the moment but I
prefer you to still let him rest well."

"Could I see him?",I had waited for
damn 2 hours now.

"Yes,you can.He's in ward 0605.",the
doctor replied.

I heaved a relief sigh.The doctor's
reaction are perfectly calm like it
is not a big deal with Baekhyun's
state.This heart just falling apart
when I saw him lying on the floor,
bleeding lifelessly.Well,his a doctor
he had studied this situation so..
of course Baek's situation is not that
biggie deal."cause it's just me..

After the doctor excused himself
to leave,I turned my head at my
sleeping brother."Right.. He won't
wake up by himself.",my hands started
shaking his shoulders,poking,
slapping his cheeks to wake up this
guy."Oppa,oppa..oppa~wake up.",but
he remained eyes shut."Yah,Park
Chanyeol wake up,pleaseee."
When I gave out on waking him up,
he just snuggled more to my shoulder.
"Five more..five more please.",he
whispered.His voice were more husky
after crying.I turned my head at him
and whispered,"Five more,five more
what?Five more seconds before you
end up soaked with cold water?...
oppa?Open your eyes.. we can go see him now.Kaja."(let's go)

Slowly he started to lift his sleepy eyelids.He adverted his gaze at my face before he stood up from beside me."oppa,give me your hand."
Within seconds his hands extended
in front of me.I grab it, he held
mine and he pulled me up from the
bench."thanks.",I spoke lowly cause
this throat are seriously dry and I
need some water."oppa let's stop at
the cafeteria first.",he nodded and
laced his right hand with mine.
We walked calmly heading to the
cafeteria.No rushing,no slowing
down,just a relaxing walk.Then,my
brother broke the ice with his eyes
still focusing ahead of us.

"y/n..can you still take it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you... still alright?To take this,
to accept..this test?"

"It's mine test..oppa,mine... I will and
have to try my best to get through
it..",slowly my cheeks lifted,a little
smile crept on my dried lips.Yes,it is
my test,my own test that myself
should accept it.At this moment,there
is no turning back to the past and
crumbled down like I always did.
Crying my heart out just to take all
this hardships into my grip won't
help anymore.

"I won't break easily again,oppa.All
of mine will be alright and myself
will be fine too.".

"I feel dying oppa..dying. Eomma appa suddenly talking about poisoning me,
me burdening you,burdening Baekhyun oppa,me feeling helpless..

I felt a my brother's large hand on
my right cheek.My head turned to
face him.Worried reflects in his big
dark brown eyes."Hey,what's this?"
His thumb ran over my cheek.It hurts
that much that even I couldn't feel
a lone warm tears fell down.

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