❤12//cold turns warm

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It started to rain.One by one drop,
it become a heavy rain.

And suddenly, you felt the drops of
the rain stopped falling at you.
you looked up. There was a pair
of hands holding a jacket covering
you from the rain.

You turned your head and looked
at the figure that standing
behind you.

It was Baekhyun.

He smiled sweetly at you.

"Let's get inside the hospital",he
persuaded you.Then both of you ran quickly through the rain heading inside the hospital.


*At the hospital's cafe*

"Let me get you a hot coffee",
Baekhyun looked at you.

You were fully drenched and
shivering.After a few minutes, Baekhyun came back with a cup
of hot coffee.

"You have to change your clothes.
Let's go home."

"But I don't have any clothes left
at my brother's home."

"Not your brother's home... your
parents home."
"No.I don't want to step my foot
at that house again."

Baekhyun looked at you with his
dazzling eyes.You immediately fall
into his beautiful eyes.

"Y/n ssi it is not good to have bad
relationship between your parents
and you shouldn't act like this
to your parents.But look at
yourself right now.Your parents
are worrying about you..", he
pursuaded you softly with his
hands holding your cold hands.

"I really don't want to see their face anymore.I just can't..*sobs*..face
them anymore after what they
did at me that night."

"Jinjja eoryeoppda (really hard)",
your tears fell  again.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't interfere in
this mianhae."

"It's okay"

"Let's go home.You can wear your
brother's clothes but I need to
see your brother first. You can
wait in the car if you don't want
to see him"

"I'll wait in the car"


He gave you the car key and went
to your brother's room.


"Hyung ,what did the doctor said?",
he sat beside Chanyeol.

"I have to stay in the hospital for
a few days", he replied.

"Did you found her?"

"Yes I did .We have to go home.
She needs to change her clothes because she was drenched by the
rain.Do you want me to pick up
your things?"

"How did she drenched by the
rain? Where is she?"

"Hyung,calm down.She's in the car.
Now,do you want me to pick your
things or not?"

"Hmm..umm..I want my hoodie,
my phone,and...my sister"

"Arasseo.I will try to bring her too",
Baekhyun replied with his smile.

"Baekhyun-ah take care of her"

"Arasseo hyung",Baekhyun gave
him a cutee wink.
(guys just imagine how cute
his winks are)

"Yah! This puppy! Get out!",
Chanyeol threw his pillow to Baekhyun.

"Hahaha,mian",Baekhyun winked
at Chanyeol again.


*Baekhyun's pov*

I quickly ran to the parking lot.
After a few minutes I found
the car.I saw Y/n were embracing herself with her arms.She was shivering.

I headed to the car and went inside.

"Mianhae Y/n ssi.Here take this
blanket",I gave her a puppy printed

"Oh,thanks..Aigoo this blanket is
so cute...umm..oppa can I keep it?",
you looked at him with your cute
eyes and pouted.

"Aissh she is soo cute.AHHH I can't
help it.AHH I'm falling again~"

"Oppa..oppa can I keep it? Oppa?"

"Okay,okay,you can keep it.",I
squeezed her chubby cheeks.

I brought her face closer to my
face and cupping it a little bit

Silent begin to conquer.My gaze
falls at her lips.

"Oppa..can you let go my fluffy
cheeks?",you said as you realize
that his face was too close to your

"Aa,mian",I let go my hands from
cupping her cheeks.

I started the engine and drove it
out from the parking lot.

Y/n was covering herself with the
blanket. After a few minutes, she
fall asleep.

I looked at her beautiful and CUTE
face,admiring her dried lips.

I liked everytime I saw her lips
curling into a smile.It makes me
fall in her smiles.Even it last for a

I loved it.

"Maybe..I..like you..."


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💖Hi..is it fluttering your heart
when you read it??😄💖

💖Anyways,sorry for updating
late.Thank you for still waiting
to read it😁..💖

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