❤6//The weather's hot today

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Your face became uncontrolbly heated when he extended his arms wide and shouted "She is mine!"

Your heart almost stopped beating. The dog that was being hyper earlier sat down infront of him without a sound.

After its owner came and put on the leash, Baekhyun holded your arms and whispered, "its okay now the dog has its leash",patting your arms.

"Where did your voice go?" , the words almost escape your pursued lips.You hid your face into your hands that were covering your face. You're not covering your face from the sight of the dog, but from the guy infront of you...

and your older brother standing behind him.

What a situation.

You uncover your face and stare at Baekhyun's neutral face that held concerns. "Can you, stand up?", whispered Baekhyun and his hand extended in front of you.

"She's mine!"

Your mind wandered back at the scene when you almost reached his hand. "I can get up by myself. Step aside.", you spoke.

Chanyeol approached the both of you, arms crossed on his chest, gaze sharpens. "I am so close to get to the bridge.", Chanyeol spoke with a calm tone.

You could still feel the heats on your cheeks. You turned to look at Baekhyun, his eyes could not meet your brother's eyes directly.

A sudden and recognized ring came from Chanyeol's phone broke the awkward silence and your contacts at Baekhyun's heated face.


He ended the call after couples of minutes and turned at us. "Oppa, who is it?", you started. "Oh it's my classmate he said there's a reunion ball tonight.So I need you to come with me."


you whined. "I'm worried if dad might come to the house",your brother's worries made you remembered the reason why you wanted to stay at your brother's home.

Then you agreed with your brother.

"Since you don't want to go to our parents house, how about we
go to the shopping mall and find you a beautiful dress",your brother inviting you.

You smiled at your brother and nod your head. Shopping
with your brother would be plain boring sometimes or exciting but today you've got a feeling that it would be fun.

"But I am soo tired. I seriously am.",

The tiredness began to climb back on your legs. Jogging wouldn't be in your hobby list for now on.

"Let's go to a cafe in the mall when we have arrive, okay", Baekhyun suggested with a small smile. You just nod your head excitedly, "Let's go, I'll be knocked down anytime I'm
too tired."

You were so happy with the thought of being refreshed until you didn't realize that you were actually holding Baekhyun's hand tightly, dragging him behind you.

Your cheeks probably look red because you felt the heat
rush all over your body.

His eyes were wide in surprise but he manage to give you a small and smoll smile that he quickly wiped it away when your brother,

Walk more closer and gave Baekhyun his sharp gaze and scary auras that you try not to giggle.

"She is mine too"

your brother warned him and grabbed your hand. You turned around to see baekhyun's reaction, and found him
pressed his lips into thin line but he quickly falter it down when his gaze met yours.

His lips lifted in sudden mischievous manner and his pace went faster. He ran towards Chanyeol and slapped
his shoulder hard.

Then, a chase between them began.

Leaving you with your sigh.


A renewed update!!

Thank you for spending time
to read thissssssssss mess 😊

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