💔10//The reason?

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Suddenly, Chanyeol approached and stood between you and your

"Oppa get inside the car.You don't have to defend me",you looked
at him.

He looked at you. At your teary eyes,tired face.

"No. I will end this right now.I promised to take care of you",he
hold your hand that you've formed into fists the whole time.

"I won't let you take her",Chanyeol looked at his parents furiously.

"Please comeback. I promise I won't do the same mistakes ever
again.",your mother cried out and reached for his hand that were
holding yours.

"You really are A LIAR! Do you ever thought the reason why I want to live by my own?", he rised his voice.

As he said it, his voice sounded disappointed and sorrowful. While his expression were changed into the masks that you never seen him put it on for a long time.

Your parents became quite.They exchanged a glance at you. You try to read their faces, hoping to understand their feelings.

"Chanyeol-ah",your mom looked at his face.


     "You didn't even care about it
                      aren't you"

His voice sounded more sorrowful,almost came out like a whisper. You felt his grip between your numb hand loosens.Warm tears drifted down on his heated cheeks.

His grip between your hand loosed more.He leaned back on
you.You fell down to the ground because of his sudden action.

"Chanyeol?",you looked at him.You tried to wake him up but,he didn't respond.Your parents were in shock that they


Baekhyun who was standing at the gate rushed to you when he saw Chanyeol leaned to you.He walked your unconscious brother to the car.

Then,he walked to you.

"Let's go",he extended his hand to you.You gave in your hand.
"Y/n wait-", your mother grabbed your gree hand. "Just stop. Stop coming to us.", you said with a low voice and no anger. You were about to shook off her hand but she did it first.

You stood up with the help of him and he drove the car away from them, to hospital.

*At the hospital*

You sat beside him.You hold his
warm hand,hoping he will wake up.
You let tears drop from your eyes.
Baekhyun patted your back

"Don't cry.He will wake up soon",
he said caringly. You're not crying
just because of him, you cried because
of the encounter with your parents.
You hated to see your brother like
this, you hated to be in a fight with
your parents. "It's all my fault.I-I've shouldn't make him worried about me too much",you sobbed.

"Stop blaming yourself Y/n",he
wiped your tears that drifted from
your cheeks gently.Suddenly,you felt your brother's hand moved.


"I'll go get the doctor",he went out
from the room.He turned his head
to you.

"Mianhae",you apologized.

"Guawenchana.It's not your fault."

The door slided open, your parents appeared. "Chanyeol are you okay?",your mother asked with a concerned tone.
"Please get out.I don't want to see your face".

"Chanyeol-ah please don't be like this."


"Don't be rude to your mother!",
your father said angrily.
"It's okay.we'll be leaving",she said
to your father.

Your brother's face became more
pale after he yelled.

"Oppa are you okay? You shouldn't
do that",you looked at him.You
tried to calm him down.
"I'm fine"

"Oppa can you...umm..tell me about
the reason..you wanted live by
yourself..?",your became voice trembaling waited him to tell you.
You yourself were clueless on why
he moved into his own house.


He became quite.....



💗edited ver. While I were editing
this, I keep on thinking, did I write

Thank you for re-reading and
vote if you want to.

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