❤3//The only cure

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It was your brother, Park Chanyeol
the person that you loved soo much.

You arrived at his house at night.You rang the bell many times,but the door still didn't open.You tried to call him but he didn't answer your calls.

You sat on the cold ground while your tears drifting down from your red eyes, your hand started to bleeding because of the glass scattered pieces..

Your eyes started to close and your body loose balance. Your vision had already blurred up by tears and now it just can't came into focus but you were sure you saw a familiar face came into your view before your eyelids closed completely.

11.45 pm
You had awaked.Slowly you opened your puffy eyes.Despite the bright lights in the room, you've slowly gained your vision into focus.

You felt warmth in your weak hand and fingers.Your brother's big hands were holding your hand tightly. Tears streamed down again when you were familiar with this warmth from
the hands.You met your brother's gloomy gaze

"Y/n!", you already felt safe.

"I'm worried about you!What happened?",He asked."Oppa I'm really tired",you replied with your weak voice."Oh mianhae(sorry)".

You smiled."I arrived at your house, but you were not in your house,so I called you but you didn't answer. And then I fainted",you told him sadly.

It still hurts for you to tell him all  that happend earlier. "I'm sorry,jinja mianhae.But what happend to your hands?same with your feet.It was bleeding when I arrived",he asked curiously.Your eyes fell at your hands that had white bandages wrapped around firmly.

Your mind, your brain went completely blank. Doing explanations right now? Maybe I can't even arrange a sentence!

"Okay. I will tell you but,you need to PROMISE me that you'll listen to me and don't even cut me while I'm explaining to you." He heaved a heavy sigh ,"I'll .. I will try my best",he replied casually. "Please.", he almost glare at me but he kept it down and

"Mom and Dad wanted to stop me from seeing you."


His eyes became bigger and rounder.This guy... what did I just
say to you? "Oppa I'm not gonna tell you", I glared at my hands instead of his face. It's hard for me to explain too."Mianhae", silence lingered for a moment before I continued.

"I went down from my room but then I accidently heard about their conversation.It was about me.They were planning something bad for me but the worst of it was to stop me
from seeing you... again.", well, I have to cover up some of the parts because, hell.. I can't tell him exactly like it was.
My mother stabbing me with the most sharpest words. I can't tell him that part.It's a no.

He hugged me tightly without hesitation.Tears of joy dropped again. "I m-missed you.", I whispered and wrapped my arms around his waist. He patted the back of my head with

"Can I stay at your house?", you manage to spoke up.

"Of course you can... I will take care
of you."

I cried in his arms after he said that.

"He's still the brother that I love.He
still is."


This new edit got me like...

❤anyways thank you for rereading

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