💔18//Open arms

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*Your pov*

We keep on staring at each other in
silence. Staring deeply through our
souls.I just can't let my eyes off him.

As if like I was hypnotized by his mysterious gaze. suddenly he curled his lips into a smile so sincere, yet dazzling smile that
I haven't seen in my life.
His smile. His smiles made me feel better and comfortable.His eyes.His eyes were filled with thoughts.So many thoughts that I could just look through it like a mirror.

I had a feeling that he wanted to do something when I looked at his strange yet mysterious gaze.

[FLASHBACK] *Baekhyun's pov*

She nodded her head as the answer. I gave her my clothes and told her to change into it.I waited outside the room and sat on the stainless steel bench.

  After a few minutes,she came out from the room.Even she was wearing simple clothes,she still look stunningly beautiful.Without
I realized, my lips curled into a wide smile.

Then,we walked side by side and went to the reception counter to pay the hospital bill for stunningly beautiful Y/n.

She told me that she will be waiting at the hospital's garden at the
bench that I found her yesterday.

"Okay",I replied with my smile
still formed at my lips.

I turned my head back at the counter when
there were nurses greeted me. Suddenly I remembered about
Chanyeol.His hysteric laugh started to flash out from my mind."

oh,I have to pay his bills too.Gosh, I almost forgot.He would be mad at me if I forgot about that!".

Then,I told the nurses whom were assisting me that I want to pay for his bills too.After less than 10 minutes,it's been settled. I walked to the entrance, grabbed the glass door handle and pushed it..
  The warm breeze runs through my hair.I walked outside and
headed to the garden.I was walking to the bench that she sat yesterday and from afar I could see her,she was sitting on it,staring blankly at thee clear blue sky.

There were something going on in her mind.

And it bothered her so much.It's hurting her.

It's hurting me to see her in that way.

  I was standing there.Striked by the view of her.The view of her suffering from the fate she accepting.A tear escaped from her eyes.She hung her head down,tears streaming down her pale cheeks.She immediately wiped the tears off her cheeks.

I walked towards her,stood in front of her.I offered my hand at her. She looked up at me.

"Ah oppa you're here",she smiled
at me sweetly.As if the pain had
gone away."It will come again.But
when the time comes,I will take
the pains away from you".

I couldn't do anything but to smile
at her.I smiled like I didn't saw any
of tears that were still covering her
cheeks."You're faking a smile Y/n".
She took my hand and held it
tightly as she stood up on her feet.
Then she started to walk in front
of me."Why are you showing me
your back? Couldn't you just walk
beside me?I just want to hold your
hands at this moment.Tightly".

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