Part 6

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After sitting on the couch for about an hour i stood up. "I need to call Liam. He probably knows a good place we can hide the body. Oo that doesn't sound right literally at all. Ugh, why is this life so complicated?" I say turning towards Wesley.

"Well first of all if this life will be easier to maintain once you get the hang of things. It took me maybe two, three years to get used to all of this. And second, you can't call your uncle. If he sees me here he's gonna be suspicious." He answers.

"I have to. I understand that you know your way around all this but you don't know present day Arlington Heights like my uncle. He knows this town like the back of his hand and he'll know where to put it. If your worried about him seeing you here then hide over by the lake until he leaves and then you can come back or you can just go home now. I'm terrified right now and the only person i know that can help with this problem is him." I say.

"Ok fine, call him. I'll have to move my car so he won't see it and i'll hide over by the lake." He replied.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Liam, "Hey Liam, i kinda have a problem. Come to the cabin as soon as possible. I'll explain when you get here." I say into the phone.

"I'll be there soon. Don't leave the cabin and don't let anyone in. Lock the doors and stay in the master bedroom. I'll call you when i get there so you can let me in." His voice chimes through.

"Ok thank you Liam. I'll see you soon. Be safe." I say before hanging up phone. "He's on his way. Go move your car so i can let you back in. He told..." I start saying but he cut me off.

"You don't have to continue, i heard what he said." He says chuckling a little.

I laughed, "Whoops, forgot about the hearing thing."He smiled at me before walking out to move his car.

It's been about half an hour and Liam still isn't here. He should be here soon though.

After about another 5 minutes he had arrived. I went downstairs and Wesley went out he window so he could go hide. I unlocked the door and he came inside. His shot to the dead body on the floor and judging by the look on his face he knew it was a vampire. "Madison, what the hell happened here?" He asked kinda scared to hear the answer.

"I had asked a my friend Jayce to bring me some food because i had no way of getting an and instead of Jayce showing up with the food this guy did saying that Jayce had to pick up a shift at the grill and that he had asked him to bring it for me. I told he could come in and set the food on the counter while i went to get my wallet so i could pay him for coming this whole way to bring me food. I went upstairs grabbed my wallet and come back down here. When i came back down he was gone but the door was still open. I was already on the lookout because when he came in he stepped in slowly and sudden he jumped at me. Before he could hurt me I staked him and then he died." I say trying not to cry again.

"Where'd you get the stake and how did you know you'd need it?" He asked cautiously.

"I found the stake in the secret room in master bedroom closet and the second part I can't tell you. I swore not to tell anyone and when promise something i don't break it." I say.

"Madison if you don't tell me i can't help you in situations like these. I need to know how you found out about vampires." He says getting closer to the body in the kitchen.

"Um, if i tell you, you have to promise not to say anything or hurt the people i'm about to tell you about." I say.

"I can't make that promise until i know who you're taking about." He says.

"I can't tell you if don't make the promise Liam. These people are important to me and my other friends so if you hurt them your gonna hurt me to."

"Ok fine, i promise i won't hurt them. Now tell me how you found out!"

My Mistake-Corbyn BessonWhere stories live. Discover now