Part 19

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We just got done at the mall and we decided to spend the night at my house. We all make a little bed in the living some people taking the furniture. Today has been such a relief. It got us away from the supernatural part of our lives and just brought us to the human part. It honestly makes me sad that we'll have to pick up our worries tomorrow.

The Next Day

We all just woke up and everyone is getting ready to go home.

After everyone left I got changed for school and went out to my car to wait for Sofia. Shortly after she came out ready for school. We talked about random things on the way there.

When we arrived all our friends were gathered by the front doors so we made our way there. "Hey guys!" I shout on our way over.

We talk with each other for a few minutes before the bell rings. We make our way to class and our first one for today is history. We walk in and Jake is at the board writing something down. He turns around and begins to speak. "So the 1920's. What do we know about the 1920's. This time was very fun for the people because of all the parties that were held. People were reckless and carefree. They didn't really care what others did as long as they were still having a good time. This was also the decade when jazz music took off. People could dance to jazz till they passed out if they wanted to. The film industry had taken off as well." He said all in one go.

"Uh, the film industry actually took off in the 1930's after the stock market crashed Mr. Harrison." I say.

He gave me an aggravated stare before speaking. "Right, sorry. I guess it all just mushes together up here. Anybody have some things to add about the 1920's?" He asked looking away.

That was really weird. Jake has never gotten a fact wrong so why did he get one wrong now. We've been studying the 1920's for the last week so it's odd that he said that. I looked back to see Wesley just as confused as I was. Something is definitely wrong with Jake but I don't know what it could be.

End of School

School just got out and I was about to walk outside when I was stopped by Jake. "Can I speak with you for a minute?" He asked. I nodded and followed him back to his classroom. "I'm looking for Kay. Do you know where she is?" He asked in a demanding tone.

"Ok, what the hell has gotten into you? You're being a dick for no reason and earlier today you got a fact wrong for something we've been studying for the past week. What is wrong?" I say nearly yelling.

"I don't know if you've noticed but I can clearly take you on. Now where is Kay?" He said clearly aggravated.

"Your serious right now? You really think you can take me?" I say. And he nods. "Come one. So me what you got."

He lunges at me but I quickly dodge him grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back. "You are clearly not yourself if you really just thought you could take on a vampire. You should know better. Wait, your not Jake are you? There's no way you are. Your a completely different person." I say confused. Then it hit me. I stepped away from dropping his arm. "Shane."

"In the flesh... well not my flesh. Your teacher is one hell of a hunter. Hiding his weapons in plain sight. Not killing most of the vampires he knows about. Hell you caught me off guard. I had no idea you were a vampire." He says stepping away.

"Yeah, it happened recently. I gotta go now. Bye." I say before speeding off to the front of the school. I find my friends and run over to them. "We've got a problem. I can't explain here but I can say it's not good and has to do with a vengeful doppelgänger."

"Wait, Kay's back?" Corbyn asked. I shook my head no.

"Shane." Wesley said. "What the hell is he doing here?" He asked.

"Like I said I can't explain here. Plus he's not even in his own body." I say. They gave me confused looks. "Look if you guys want me to tell you stop standing there and get moving. Meet at the boarding house. I'll tell you all there." I say taking Sofia's hand and pulling her to the car.

I drive to the boarding house and wait for everyone else to show up. Once they all got there we gathered around in the living room. "Ok so, like I said Shane is here but he's not in his own body." I was gonna say more but got cut off.

"Of course he's not. It's one of his favorite tricks. He had a which transfer his soul into the body he has taken occupation in." Lily said walking in.

"He's in Jakes body so don't say anything that might be of value to him when he's around. He's knows a lot already but he's here looking for Kay." I finish.

"Why is he looking for Kay?" Zach asked.

"Wait you guys seriously don't know?" Colby asked. We all shook our heads no. "I found this out a few days ago but the doppelgängers originated from the two original ones. The two originals were so in love that they wanted to be with each other for the rest of eternity. The male doppelgänger tricked a witch into think that he was in love with her and she made an eternity potion for the two of them that they would drink at their wedding. When the witch went to look at the wedding setup she noticed that the potions had already been drank. She went on a rage and killed the girl. She desiccated the heart of the man and put a curse on them. She created the other side so that they wouldn't be with each other at all. She had an anchor for it but no one knows what it is. The cure for vampirism is stuck in the arms of the original doppelgänger. The only way to get it out is by waking him. The curse the witch had put on the two was that their bloodlines would creat generations upon generations of doppelgängers that would fall in love with each other only to be broken apart later." Colby said.

"Ok, I got all of that but the part where the witch killed the girl. I thought she was immortal." I say confused.

"You can never make a truly immortal being. There always has to be a way to balance nature. Since the witch created the potion that she drank she knew exactly how to kill her." Sam said.

I nod still a little confused and overwhelmed by this situation. I hear someone gasp for air and over to see Sofia have a panic attack. She hasn't had one since the start of school this year. I rush over to her but Daniel had beat me to it. I give him a look saying to be careful and within a few minutes she had calmed down. "Hey, what's wrong? You haven't had a panic attack in a while." I say sitting down next to her.

"I just found out that I'm destined to fall in love with your ex boyfriend that I mostly despise. I think I have a very good reason to freak out." She said.

"Sorry, it didn't even click in my head that you two were the doppelgängers until you said it. But Blake has changed a lot since he out about all this and who knows maybe this generation will be the ones to break the curse." I say hugging her. She nods and I let go of her. "I think we should head home. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I say standing up and taking Sofia's hand. "If something important happens call me." I say walking out of the house.

We get in my car and head home.

Word Count: 1389

My Mistake-Corbyn BessonWhere stories live. Discover now