Part 23

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"Actually Corbyn, I like you to. Wesley had realized this already and it's one of the main reasons why we broke up. I couldn't lead him on so that's why I decided to end things. I don't want to start anything between us yet because of the recent break up. I need some time off relationships but we've got an eternity together so we don't need to rush things." I say.

"Well, that took an unexpected turn but I'll wait till you're ready if this is really what you want." He said.

"This is what I want." I say and smile at him.

"I'm gonna head home now. Good night Madi." He said and stood up going to the window.

"Are you really gonna jump out window to get home?" I ask and laugh a little.

"Yes, It's the most efficient way. I don't have to take the extra step of walking down the stairs and out the front door." He says and laughs with me.

"Your a weird one Corbyn Besson. Good night." I say calming down slightly.

He waved and opened my window before jumping out. I walked over to the window to close it and he was already gone.

The Next Day

Today is the day we predict that Bryson is coming to Arlington Heights. I'm training to get the hang of all my vampire powers because I haven't learned much control over them. I have control over my cravings although I don't know what happened last night when I lost it.

The older vampires were training me and we all walked out to the woods.

After a few hours I felt as if I was strong enough to pull this off. We make our way back to the boarding house and not even a few minutes after we close the door it opens and we feel a gust of wind brush by. It stops in the hallway and we see a youngish looking guy standing there. "Hello brother." I hear Luke say beside me.

"Well, I believe you all know why I'm here. Where are my doppelgängers?" The guy, who I'm assuming is Bryson, asks.

"Hate to break it to you but they aren't 'your doppelgängers'. If they were anyone's they'd be mine. Why do want them so bad?" I ask curiously.

He rushed over to me in an attempt to scare me. "You don't ask me questions. Where are the doppelgängers?" He asks in a more demanding tone.

"I'm not afraid of Bryson. You should be afraid of me. If you want the doppelgängers you got fight me to get them." I say standing my ground.

"You really think you can take on one of the most powerful vampires in the world. You're funny. I like this one." He says sarcastically laughing while turning to Luke.

"I don't believe I stuttered now did I?" I say getting aggravated. "He is a lot more cocky than I thought he would." I say turning to my friends laughing. They laughed with me and I even heard Luke let out a quite chuckle. Before I knew it Bryson had charged with full speed while I was turned away from him. I quickly sensed he was behind me and grabbed his arm throwing him against the wall. "Haven't you ever been told not to sneak up on a girl?" I say and turn around to Zach how tosses me a vervain grenade that we got from Jake. I take the pin out and through at Bryson who's on the floor trying to get up. When it explodes the rest of us run to get out of the hit zone and when we hear Bryson's screams we run back in. I run over to him and stick my hand into chest grabbing a hold of his heart. It felt so weird having my hand there but I fought the urge to take it out without his heart in my hand.

When I was about to rip it out he stopped me by shouting. "WAIT, WAIT! I didn't through our family into the Atlantic. If you let me go I'll reunite Luke with them and I'll leave here for good."

"I don't believe you but I'll make you a deal. If I let you go then you reunite Luke with your family and if you need the doppelgängers for anything like a bite cure you come and ask. You don't get to take them with you." I say.

"What if they turn or die. They'll be of no use to me and this deal would be off." He says between breaths.

"You're in Luke vampire. Sam and I talked to the witch sprits. The doppelgängers are no longer the holder of the bite cure. Madi is." Colby said as a reply.

"Why her?" Bryson asked confused.

"Because she happens to be both." Sam said.

"Fine we have a deal. If I need the cure for any reason I'll come to you. I'll leave the doppelgängers alone. I'll leave here and go back to where I came from. If you come after me you'll find everyone you care about dead." He says in a rushed tone.

"You are in no position to order me around or threaten me with the current circumstances. I'd watch what you say to me before you wind up dead." I say removing my hand. "We have a deal. Don't show your face here again unless it's for a good reason or you may not make it out alive." I stand up and walk over to everyone.

He stood up and sped out of the house. "Thank you so much for your help Madi. As for the rest of you I appreciate that you put your trust in me. I'll make sure Bryson keeps up his end of the deal. I hope to see you all again." Luke said before speeding out after Bryson.

One Month Later

Everything as kinda settled down here in Arlington Heights and we actually meet a new vampire. Her name is Piper. Surprisingly Lily's been getting along with us really well ever since Luke and Bryson left. We haven't anything from the two and personally I'd like to keep it that way.

Today the boys decided they wanted to tell there parents about the situation. We don't know how they are going to react but we hope they don't turn against. They all take vervain so if they do turn against us then we can't compel them to forget about it. We are all gathered in the Lawley Mansion with the parents here as well. "So uh, mom, dad, other parents, we all have something to tell you. We've been afraid to tell you this for months because of what we think you might do. We still are terrified to say anything but since Liam, Connor, and Jake Harrison, know we feel it's only right that we tell you as well. Before we do you have to promise you will still love us the same after." Corbyn starts. They all nod in agreement.

Jonah says, "We are, uh... vampires. Before you freak out we want you to know that we are the same people we are before we turned. We all still have our humanity regardless of the monster that's deep inside. Some of us here aren't vampires or at least not just a vampire but we'll let them tell there story." All there faces change from confused to terror to sadness. The one thing they all tried to protect us from we all became.

"Corbyn may I?" I ask gesturing to his arm. He nodded and I grabbed it bringing his wrist to my lips.

A/N: I gotta stop this here but I might post the next part later. If I don't i'm gonna post it as soon as I get up tomorrow morning.

Word Count: 1314

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