Part 14

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We were having a great time at the party and we decided it would be fun to go into his dads office to have some drinks. Kian had poured us each a drink when all of a sudden someone stabbed him in the arm. He obviously screamed in pain but pushed whoever it was into the desk. The girl had fallen onto the floor after hitting her head on the side of the desk. I rushed over to her trying to find a pulse but had no luck. "She doesn't have a pulse. Kian i'm so sorry."

All of a sudden Kian drops to the floor screaming in pain. He looked up and his eyes were glowing yellow. "Kian!" I yell. "It's ok, we're here for you. It's gonna be ok." I say.

He wasn't screaming any more but you could tell he was still in pain. "What's happening to me?" He managed to ask.

"You just activated the curse." I say. "I know you didn't mean to do it but it doesn't matter."

"Uh guys, she's not dead." Jonah said behind us.

I turned to him, "What do you mean she's not dead?" I asked.

"Um, she was seriously injured earlier today. I don't know what she did but she was bleeding really bad. I gave her my blood and told her to forget that she saw me. She just died with vampire blood in her system." He explained.

She sat up and gasped for air. "What happened?" She asked.

"This is gonna sound insane but you have to promise not to freak out." Jonah said. She nodded. "Your in transition... to uh... become a vampire." He finished.

She burst out laughing. When she saw our serious faces she stopped. "Wait your being serious? But vampires don't exist." She said.

"That's not exactly true." Wesley said walking over to me. He grabbed my arm, "Do you mind?" He asked. I shook my head. He bite my wrist. "Now before i have you complete the transition you have to tell me you want to. Whether be now or later but you have 24 hours to decide before you die for good."

"I'll do it. I complete the transition." She said kinda scared.

Wesley let go of my wrist and I walked over to the girl on the floor. I held it out for her. "Drink it. That's how you complete the transition." I said. She nodded and I put my wrist to her mouth. She grabbed my arm and started drinking my blood. I pulled my wrist away walking back over to Wesley. She winced in pain as her fangs grew in and Wesley quickly feed me his blood to heal my wrist before she lost control.

She looked up at Jonah. "You, you did this to me. You gave me your blood. I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you." She said and speed over to him. Jonah quickly pinned her against the wall.

"You may be a vampire now but any vampire older than you is stronger and faster. Everybody in this room can take you on besides Madi so don't try anything." She nodded and he let her go. "As a vampire everything is heightened. I want to let you know that the only reason i gave you my blood in the first place is because you were hurt and I was about to lose control. I didn't do this to you on purpose. I did it to save your life. I didn't know that you would come in here and stab Kian which caused him to kill you. Who made you do that?" He asked.

"I don't know. I think she said her name was Kay but she looked like Sofia Nash." She said.

"Of course it was her. Look, what ever you do you can't trust Sofia. This won't make any since but Sofia is Kay's doppelganger. I can promise you that Sofia won't be hurt because she already knows and she's perfectly fine with us not trusting her for the valid reason that it could be Kay." I say and she nods. "Now what's your name?" I asked.

"Sadie. Sadie Campbell." She said.

"Well it's nice to meet you Sadie. I'm not glad it's under these circumstances but I have a feeling something good will come from this. Who here do you already 'know'?" I asked.

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