Part 15

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Tonight is the full moon. Kian is gonna go through his first turn with the help of my uncle tonight. He hasn't told his father yet because he's to afraid to. I told Liam and Sofia everything that happened that night at Kian party and we got Sadie's and Connor's cravings under control.

The sun just set and we can't find Kian anywhere. Liam went and chained himself down a few minutes ago because the moon can reach its apex any minute now. The only place we haven't checked yet is tomb. The seal was broken after they witches opened it so all the vampires that were in there are probably out for revenge. We made our way there and low and behold we saw Kian chained to the wall in the back of the tomb. Corbyn ran over and broke the chains allowing for Kian to get out. "We need to hurry. Get me to the old cellar it's not to far from here. The moon can hit its axis any second and I'll start to turn." Kian said running out. "I'll explain what happened tomorrow."

Corbyn, Wesley, and I were all rushing to help him get to the cellar but we were to late. Kian screamed out in pain and pinned Corbyn to the ground. Luckily Corbyn was able to push him. "Guys run! Forgot about the cellar and just get out of here!" He yelled.

Wesley grabbed me and I felt a gust of wind pass by. When he stopped moving I opened my eyes to see that we were a parking lot rather than the middle of the forest. I guess he used his speed to get us out of there. Corbyn got there a little after we did but he fell to the ground when he stopped. I ran over to him to help him when I noticed something on his arm. I grabbed his arm to get a closer look and what I saw was not good. "Corbyn, I think Kian bit you when he pinned you down. Aren't wolf bites fatal to vampires?" I say and he nods.

"We don't know if it's fall yet but i guess we'll find out now." He said.

"There has to be a cure for this. I'll ask Sam and Colby to see if they can find a one." I say walking off.

"Madi seriously. You don't have to. If it's my time to go then just let me go." Corbyn said causing me to stop in my tracks.

I turn around. "I can't lose someone else Corbyn. I've lost to many people and I can't lose you too. Your literally one of my bestfriends and it would break my heart to watch you die in front of me. I will find a cure and i will get it to you before you die whether you like it not. If there's anything i can do to save your life then I'm gonna do even if that means I have to die in the process." I say on the verge of tears.

"Madi please. Don't ever say that again. You can try and find the cure if you want but please don't get upset if there isn't one. If I die it's not your fault and it's not Kians either. I'm not gonna let you risk your life to save mine. I couldn't live with myself if you died trying to save mine." He said getting up and walking over to me.

I engulfed him in a hug once he got to me. "I will find the cure Corbyn. Your gonna be ok." I say.

I start to walk again but I get stopped by someone grabbing my hand. "Your not walking home by yourself." I hear Wesley say.

"Ok, then your both going with me. Corbyn your staying at my house tonight. I don't want you to be alone and your family would be suspicious if you go home with that bite. And Wesley don't worry. Since Liams out tonight Sofia's probably gonna have Eben over. He'll be able to hold Corbyn down if anything happens." I say. They both nod in agreement and we begin the walk to my house.

We made it there a few minutes later. Wesley left and Corbyn and I walked inside. "Sofia?! Is Eben here?!" I shout up the stairs.

I heard her footsteps start to descend the stairs. "Yeah, why?" She said.

"Because he's staying the night. Kian but Corbyn and the bit is supposedly fatal. I'm having Sam and Colby look for a cure right now." I say.

"Look, Madison. I hate to burst your bubble but I've been alive for a few hundred years now and not a single vampire has been able to survive a werewolf bite. If Corbyn got bit he won't survive this." Eben said.

"I'm not loosing hope. Those vampires clearly weren't searching hard enough because i have a feeling there is a cure out there somewhere. I know there's a cure for this." I say with determination.

Suddenly my phone rang startling everyone. I looked down and saw that Sam was calling me. I picked up quickly.

"Ok, i got good news and bad news. Good news is there is a cure. Bad news is is that the only information we got were names. We contacted the old witches that settled here and they didn't give us an exact answer but they keep saying 'Blake and Sofia'. I have no idea what that means though." He said.

"Yeah well I got a feeling I do. I didn't say anything before but I say a picture in Lily's room a few days ago. I thought it was a picture of Blake was really confused as to why Lily had it but then it clicked and I realized it was a picture of Shane. I'm pretty sure Blake is a doppelganger. If Sofia's one to then maybe the cure is their blood mixed." I say.

"That might be it but how are we gonna get Blake to willingly give us some of his blood?" I heard Colby ask.

"He has a soft for me and Sofia. With a little convincing I'm sure he'll let us take some. If that doesn't work we have like seven vampires that can take it forcefully." I say.

"Ok, that'll work. Have someone keep an eye on Corbyn and go talk to Blake. If he doesn't listen call Daniel or Jonah. They'll know what to do from there." Sam said quickly before hanging up.

"Sofia your staying here with Eben and Corbyn. Im gonna go talk to Blake and I'll be back soon." I say walking out the door.

I got in my car and drove to Blakes house anxiously. This is going to be interesting.

Word Count: 1138

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