Part 21

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"What's happening?" I shout out in pain as I look at Luke who seems to know exactly what's happening.

He lets out a sigh and walks over to me still keeping a distance. "Your a true hybrid now. You didn't know this and neither did your uncle but the werewolf gene in your family takes place in the first born child, that being you. The reason that Liam thought it took place in the first born son is because there's been no known record of a female being the first born in the Nash family."

"What?" I say still in pain.

"Your a hybrid. The first ever actually. You killing that boy activated your werewolf gene. It was suppressed when you turned into a vampire but with current events it's come back. You being a vampire will over power the werewolf part of you but it won't suppress it anymore. Your one of the most powerful creatures in the world now. Even more powerful than an Original vampire such as myself and my brother." Luke continued.

"None of this makes any sense to me. Why me. Why am I the original hybrid?" I ask still really confused. My pain had subsided by now.

"I don't know why you were chosen. You weren't meant to be a hybrid. No one ever was but since you turned before you activated the curse you're now both. I won't tell my brother that you've activated the curse because believe me if he knows he'll kill you. We can use this as an advantage to take him done. We have an endgame with you helping. You have my word. I'll protect everyone you care about all I need is for your help to take my brother down once and for all." He says.

"What even is an Original vampire. You never explained what it was." I say.

"I was one of the first vampires to exist. My parents were terrified and used vampirism as an escape. Before they had settlers into present day Arlington Heights they lived in the UK. They lost a child due to the plague and heard of a mystical place where everyone was healthy. That was here. The land was settled by werewolves. They had many children, me included. We lived peacefully with our new neighbors for years until one night me and my little brother snuck out to the caves to watch the wolves transform. It was forbidden and my little brother learned that the hard way. One of the wolves attacked him and he bled out. My parents were heart broken by this and went to the local witch to ask for help. They didn't give it to her so now our safety was in the hands of my mother." He said.

"Why your mother? What would she be able to do about?" Wesley asked.

"My mother was also a witch. The Original witch if you must. She's who turned my family into vampires. All but herself. She did this for us if she had turned she would no longer be a witch. You're one or the other and she choose to stay a witch. She drew upon the white oak tree and the sun to give us life. That night they gave us wine laced with blood before driving a sword through our hearts. When we woke up our father forced us to feed and that's how we became vampires. Though vampirism was a way out we had our weaknesses. The sun now would burn us. My mother quickly found a way around but that didn't help with the rest. The flowers at the base of the white oak now burned and the one thing that gave us life could also take it away. We burned that tree to the ground and that's where the white oak ashes came from which I know you guys have along with the silver dagger to go with it. We thought everything was fine until my father found out about an affair my mother had had with one of the werewolves. Fortunately none of us were born from that werewolf but that didn't stop my father. His greatest weakness was his pride so he went on a rampage killing nearly half the village. That's what started the war between vampires and werewolves. You being both might change the way these two worlds look at for the rest of eternity." He said.

"Wait so your telling me the only way to kill an Original and you trust us with that kind of information?" I say slightly confused.

"It's called trust Madison and is that really all you picked out of what i told you?" Luke said slightly laughing.

Huh, good to know I can make an Original laugh. "No it's not. That was just the most significant out of what you told me." I say laughing. "We have a deal Luke. Keep my loved ones out of harms way and I'll be fine." I say sticking my hand out to him.

"Give me a list and I'll do my best to keep them out." He said shaking my hand.

"Be ready for a long list of people. I'm quiet the socialist of I do say so myself." I laughed a little at that.

"I'm not surprised really. Have the list by tomorrow. That's the estimated time I'd say we have until Bryson shows up." He said.

"Bryson as in your brother?" I ask and he responds with a head nod. "I'll have the list to you in a few hours. Are you staying here?"

"Depends upon if the lovely Smiths will let me stay or not." He replied turning to Wesley.

"Ask my uncle. I'm sure he'd love to have you here." Wesley answered.

"Where is he?" Luke asked.

"I think he's at the grill with Liam Nash and Jake Harrison. I'm sure you already know what he looks like with the amount of information you've found out without even asking us." Wesley answered.

"Alright, I'll be back. Madison you stay here and make that list. I'll be back shortly." Luke said before speeding off.

"Wait where did Kay and Shane go?" I ask looking around as they are no where to be seen.

"I think we were to distracted by the fact that your activated the curse that we didn't realize they had run off." Blake replied from the doorway.

"Makes since. This is a lot of information to take in right now but Wesley do you think I could talk to you in private?" I ask.

He nods and we walk to his bedroom closing the door behind us. "What do you need to talk about?" He asks sitting on his bed.

"Look Wesley, I really hate that I'm about to do this but I can't be with you when I'm in love with someone else. I do really love you but just not in the way I thought I did. I think we were better being just friends." I say. Wow it feels good to get that off my chest.

"Madison I've known that you were in love with Corbyn a while now. And before you ask how I knew you meant him, it was kinda obvious with the way you two look at each other. Plus I'm not into girls anyway. I thought I was but I'm not. I perfectly fine with being just friends. No hard feelings." Wesley answered.

"Wait really?" I ask slightly confused. He nodded. "This makes you my new best friend, after Sam and Colby though. No one will ever beat those two." I say smiling.

"I'm glad we could make this work Madi and it feels good to finally get that off my chest. I'm gonna totally annihilate Sam and Colby and become your best, best friend." He says laughing.

"I'm glad too and your probably gonna have to fight them for that roll and honestly I think it's a pretty fair fight with how powerful they've been getting." I say laughing with him.

"A wise girl once said 'Don't underestimate the power of human emotions' so all I have to do is channel how much I love you as a friend and boom I'll come out on top." Wesley said.

"Yeah and that wise girl also said 'Don't underestimate the power of Sam and Colby.'" I say back.

"When did she say that?" He asks with fake confusion.

"Just now." I say playing along and laughing at the end. "Come on. I got a list to make." I say opening
the door.

He stands up and we make our way to the living room. We walk in to see Luke, Connor, Liam, and Jake all sitting on the couch. "Liam when we get home I need to talk to you." I say sitting down by him.

"Madison you can't tell him it's to dangerous." Luke says.

"He's my uncle Luke. He needs to know." I say. "Do you think you can remember a list of names if I just tell you?" I say looking over at him. He nodded and I told him all the names.

A/N: I know this part is really weird because I just randomly dropped that Wesley was gay. He was Madison just not in the way he thought he was. I just wanted to make it to where there would be no hard feelings and this is what I came up with.

Word Count: 1526

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