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Y/N: Stop please...noooo. You're not in your senses. Please, please... have some mercy on me. It is hurting. For god sake, please go away... leave me alone.

She woke up with a start, screaming. Her forehead was sweating profusely. She pulled her duvet closed to herself, brought her knees closed to her chest, hugged her knees, hid her face inside her arms and started crying. Seokjin came running to her room, pushing the door open. He was shocked looking at Y/n's condition. "OMG Y/N, my baby, please look at me", he told her holding her head in both his hands, trying to lift her head up. She refused saying, "No, just go. You too leave me alone. I don't want anyone. I don't deserve anyone", she said crying.

"Shut the f***k up Y/N. I am not going anywhere. Baby, I am here. Please, for once trust me and look at me", he pleaded and started caressing her back for a few more minutes. After some time, Y/N stopped crying. He took this opportunity and lovingly kissed her forehead and lifted her head up. Her face was a mess and she was taking short breaths. He kissed her forehead again and got her some tissues. She blew her nose. He kissed her forehead again, this time for a longer time. "Do you want some water?", he asked her brushing her strands of hair that were falling on her face behind her ears . He was expecting some answer from her but what she did next took him by surprise. She put her hands around his broad shoulders, and hugged him resting her head on them. Seokjin could hear her light sobs. He nuzzled in her exposed neck caressing the back of her head. He was aroused at how erotic she smelled even in this condition and nuzzled more, this time with his lips. But in instant stopped it assessing the situation. He tried to break the hug, fearing that if he didn't, he might do something gravely wrong. "Please, a few more minutes", she pleaded more for the hug. He just smiled and let her be. After some time, she broke the hug. He got up to get her some water. They just sat on the bed in complete silence; Seokjin admiring how beautiful she looked in just the moonlight that was falling on her face. She had zoned out. He tapped her hands. Abruptly, she started talking and Seokjin was in for a surprise.

Y/N (smiling): Many years back, actually I don't even remember the year, Dad was assigned as the second in command at the Embassy of India, here in Seoul. When he came to Seoul, he experienced a major culture shift, just like me. He met Mom when she bumped her car with his. Apparently, she had just learnt to drive. Instead of accepting an apology and money for the damages, Dad asked her phone number and also for lunch with her.

Seokjin: Wow, that was smooth. Wait a minute, so your Mom was a Korean!

Y/N: She nodded. Eventually, they became serious about their relationship and their feelings towards each other. Mom's parents came to know of the relationship and were against it. They were of the opinion that their reputation would come to the grounds if their daughter married someone not of their race. Now, this was many years back when inter-racial marriages were not that common. But Mom was adamant. To her surprise, Dad's parents accepted her with open arms. She got married to Dad without her parents permission. But, the guilt of being away from her parents and in such a manner was killing her. She got pregnant. Mom and Dad tried every way to mend relations with her parents but they cut all ties with her. When a woman is pregnant, the only person's support she needs after her husband, is her mother. But, she did not get that. She used to be constantly stressed, her blood pressure used to be always high. Her pregnancy was complicated. Dad suggested for an abortion, but she was against the idea of killing her baby. Her delivery was complicated as well and she delivered me pre-maturely. Her blood pressure shot up and she bled a lot. A few hours post giving birth to me, she passed away.

Y/N was in tears now; and Seokjin eyes were glossy too. She continued,

Y/N: Dad lost his mind after Mom's death. He loathed her parents. He called them just once to inform them of this news and warned them to never come close to me. Since, then my grandparents are a forbidden topic in the house. No one talks about them, as if they never existed. Dad mentions my Mom when he's drunk which he usually is. A few times, I have even seen him sobbing, when he misses Mom. I wanted to meet my grandparents since they are the only ones from my Mom's family; and I knew she would have wanted me to at least meet them once, to let them know and see that their daughter is still alive in me. But, I am too late. In what way should I apologize to Mom? What should I tell her? You see Seokjin, why do we humans always think that we have time. But, in reality it is time that has us. We're just its slaves.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now