Celebration Sex 😎

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Seokjin(panting) : Omg.. That fe... felt so amazing baby! Huhh.. Huh..
He moved to his side. A few minutes later, he engulfed her naked body he started to kiss her already swollen lips again.

Y/N: Aaah.. Chaebal! Just stop. I am sleepy and...and..tired now.

She pushed his hands away from her body and turned to the other side to sleep. Her eyes had become heavy.

Seokjin: Really, we only did 5 rounds.. U're already tired!

Y/N: Yes, I am tired... And I am gonna sleep now. Good night. By the way, you have some really good stamina

He pulled Y/N towards him and turned her and hovered over. "Did you forget your promise already? Huh.. Celebration sex?", he asked.

Y/N: My bad. I clearly underestimated you while I made that promise.

He laughed. "So now you must suffer!", saying so he started sucking her nipples which had become sore and red.

Y/N: Aahh.. Please. I am really sore now. I need some rest. Let me sleep for the few hours remaining till morning and we will continue.

She closed her eyes and already drifted to sleep. He kissed her forehead and caressed her cheeks, "sleep well my love!"

***Few hours later***
She felt her legs and toes stiffen up. She felt tingling down there and there was some knots like feeling building in her stomach.

"God.. I am having a wet dream now. Oh yes.. there.. Yes right there". But then her thoughts got interrupted when she felt a sharp pain on her nipples and she immediately woke up from her dreams only to find Seokjin thrusting in and out of her.

She facepalmed and started giggling. "So it wasn't a wet dream. It's real. When did you wake up. It's 6 AM now. And since when have you been stroking me? "

Seokjin: Doesn't matter. Now stop giggling and let me focus. Aahh...Ssshh..You have no idea what a hot body you have. You're like a goddess who I can make love all day and night.

He lifted her one leg and placed it on his shoulder. This gave him more proximity and accessibility. She felt herself tightening up and came strong on his d**k moaning his name.

Seokjin: You came already? Now get ready for another one.

"No please. I don't think I can it. I am already wobbly and sore. I don't think I can even walk now", she said in a very quiet voice. He pulled out and got up. He pulled Y/N too and placed her on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist. He grabbed her buttocks towards his d**k and started to stroke her. She pushed her head back while her hands still wrapped around his broad shoulders. He  started giving her hickeys on her neck which were already covered by them, while she let out small moans with her mouth open in an 'O'. Both of them were in pure ecstasy

He bit his lower lips. " That's what I want baby! If you cannot walk, don't worry, I will carry you everywhere."

After an hour or so of some more steamy sex in different positions, they both were in bliss in each other's embrace, with Seokjin engulfing her with his arms and legs wrapped around her waist and shoulders, his hands caressing her bare back providing her warmth in the cold winter of Seoul. Y/N still had her eyes closed buried herself more into his chest under the duvet.

Y/N: This feels so nice. I don't want to get up.

Seokjin(inhaling her scent): Same here.... Umm.. But I don't know why I am feeling something weird

She took her head off his chest and looked at him questioning- "You're feeling weird after sleeping with me and having so many rounds of raw sex that I even lost the count?"

Seokjin(chuckling): Don't worry. It is your safe day. And..Hehe.. No baby. I never feel weird whenever I am with you.. Rather I am most comfortable even with myself, when I am with you. It's like life becomes so much simpler when I am with you.

"So why do you feel weird now? ", she questioned.

Seokjin was indeed having a weird feeling.. It was like his chest was tightening up. Everything was good around him, but still he felt that something is amiss. Something is not right. Something rising from his gut. But he was unable to put a word on that 'something'. He was unable to put in words exactly how he was feeling.

"You know what.. I am sorry. It's nothing to worry. Let's be like this for some more time", he said and took her again in his warm embrace.

Days passed. One fine day while Seokjin was playing his guitar in his room, he heard a knockbon his door. He opened it and smiled, "you know you need not knock while coming in my room. In fact I would love it if you come in while I am naked or...you know...giving some pleasure to my little Seokjin",  he grinned playfully looking down. She hit his arm in disgust.

She went to Seokjin with the Big Hit contract copy in which she had marked little crosses where he had to sign.

Y/N: Here you go. I have read the entire contract and you have to sign in the places I marked.

He pulled her in his lap. He took out a pen and starting signing at respective places. "Come here. I want my future self to remember this important event...to remember that I had my world on my lap while signing this. Oh Y/N..What will I do without you?"

A smile formed on her lips, "I always want the best for you Seokjin". But what he could not understand the million tears she was hiding behind her simple smile.

" Done--- Here you go." He said and kissed on  her cheeks. "Ok, I will send it to the company", she said. He pulled her and his lips landed on hers. She closed her eyes and kissed him back with a million emotions hiding behind her closed eyes.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now