How could you!

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Y/N was in the school library studying when a group of 4 girls went to her. 

Girl 1: Hey you, come outside with us. We’re gonna talk something with you

Y/N: What is it about? I am studying and we can talk after school if it is not something important

Girl 2: (banging her hands on the books) “Drop the attitude sweety and come outside when we’re being nice to you”

Y/N looked at all of them and gulped. Boy! they did look scary. She followed them not wanting to create a scene in the library. 

They took her to secluded place and halted. One girl jerked Y/N’s shoulder and spat, “How? How did you get Seokjin wrapped around your little f**king finger?” Y/N was shocked.

Y/N: “You know what..I don’t think I need this s**t from anybody”

She started to walk away when another girl pulled her from her hair. She winced and screamed, “Oouch! Let go b**ch. It hurts”

Girl 3: “You know what…I very well know girls like you..who act holier than thou but then don’t waste a minute to throw themselves on the next hottest guy…you’re such a basic s**t! Come on, tell us, why was he screaming your name in the corridor? How did you charm him? How did you seduce him? Did you sleep with him?”

Tears were now rolling down Y/N’s eyes hearing the choice of words while her hands were trying to free her hair from that girl’s grip

Girl 4: (laughing hysterically) “Leave her dear! We all know Seokjin…you really think Seokjin calling out her name in the morning really meant something? We all know him since many years? Since, when has he ever been satisfied with just one girl? His list of past girlfriends is taller than his height. He’s just attracted to her for the time being. It’s gonna end soon. Nothing to worry.”

Girl 3: “Yea, I guess you’re right. And you, if I find you near Seokjin anytime, I will make sure to multiply this pain that I am giving you now. And trust me I will make sure that you never enter the school again. Got it!”

With that she pushed Y/N on the floor and they walked away. She crawled to the nearest wall and sobbed hugging her knees. Few minutes she wiped her tears and walked back to the library.


“Why is she acting so strange? Did I do something wrong? Why is she avoiding me? Since the time, we came back from school, she has not come out from her room? There is definitely something wrong. But, how will I console her when she just shuts down like this and distances herself from me.”, he thought while preparing dinner. He served the dinner on the dining table and called her to come and have dinner.

Y/N: “I am not hungry Seokjin. I am having stomach ache”

Seokjin lost his cool now. He stormed towards her room but then halted and fisted his palms murmuring, “Shhuuu..relax Jinna…relax. Don’t snap out. She’s definitely going through something.”

He knocked on her door, “Y/N, please come and have dinner. I made your favorite soup. Just have that soup. I promise I won’t force you to eat anything else. Please….Else I will have to throw away the remaining food.”

She sighed and opened the door slowly still not meeting his gaze. He smiled, held her hand and took her to the dining table and gestured her to sit.  They both ate silently, even though Seokjin stole glances at her every now and then. 

Seokjin: “Hey Y/N…What do you call a factory that makes okay clothes?  Huhhh…huhh..come on..It’s satis-factory!” 

He laughed hysterically. “I’ve got one more. What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows!”, he said holding his stomach and laughing like a maniac. On the other hand, she just had a straight face.

He took the clue and shut his mouth. They were done with dinner and as usual Y/N was washing the dishes, while he rested on the couch acting like he was focused on the game, whereas it was she who took his entire attention. He slowly got up and went towards her. He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist from behind and kissed the side of her temple inhaling her scent. Her mind went blank and she froze to the spot. He spoke softly, “Baby, you smell so good, just like that day. You really have no idea what you do me? Those moments in bed I don’t think I can ever forget. Why am I so into you? Why am I so attracted to you so much? Why do I lo….”

Before he could complete she turned around and pushed him off her. He stumbled back and saw just anger in her eyes. Words of those girls just rang in her mind.

Y/N: “What! You’re attracted to me huhh! Is that what I am to you? Just some girl to warm your bed? How many times have you wooed girls with this technique huhh? So I have been added to that list as well!”

Seokjin: “What are you talking about Y/N? What girls? What list?”

Y/N raised her hand in frustration and said, “you know what…forget it. I don’t want to talk about this. And about the sex we had, it was a mistake. A big fat mistake! Not on your behalf though, but on my mine. You were just following your instincts…your character. It was me being foolish to believe you”.

Tears started to roll down her cheeks. “To believe that you really love me…that you made love to me..whereas it was just another casual sex to you”, she had a lump in her mouth.

Saying that she left the kitchen sobbing and stormed to her room. He was flabbergasted upon hearing all that. He followed her with angry footsteps. Before she could close the door, he pushed it wide open. She stumbled back. 

Seokjin: “What did you say? Huhh.What did you say? It was just another casual sex to me! Really?”

With that he pulled her to him with his shoulders and pushed her to the nearby wall still gripping her shoulders. 

Seokjin: “How could you say something like that? Is that what you think of me…some roadside Romeo..waiting to take some random girl to bed?”

She winced in paid and clutched on to her dress. She could see anger, pain, hurt glistening in his eyes. He pressed his body to him and stuck his forehead to hers. She gulped and closed her eyes and then opened them.

Seokjin: “Are you scared of me? Huhh…I don’t think so. You know what…I can even slam my lips on yours and you won’t even stop me…you know why..because you love me. I can see it in your eyes. But I won’t kiss you right now, you know why…because I too love you damn it!”

With that he puched his fists on the wall and left the room. 


He was pacing to and fro in his room. He sat down on the bed and started to throw a ball in the basketball basket. He heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and she was standing with the first aid kit in her hands. “Your knuckles are bleeding”,she said pointing towards his hands. He allowed her inside. Both of them sat on the bed and Y/N started dressing his wounds. When she applied ointment he hissed and she started blowing on it. 

Seokjin: “Y/N, why do you feel that I don’t love you? Did I or my actions ever give you any such idea? Did I ever disrespect you? If anything there’s only respect, admiration and love that I have for you. Why did you accuse me?  It hurt so much to hear something so low from the girl I love from the bottom of my heart. Am I not worthy of you? If that is so, then I am alright to move away from you, but please don’t devalue my feelings for you in such a way. And…”

Before he could say anything further, she put her lips on his and kissed him. He was stunned beyond words as this was the first time, she took the first step. She broke the kiss and said, “I love you too.” With that he took her face in both his hands and started to kiss her. She too reciprocated with equal fervor and holding the back of his neck. They broke the kiss when they were short of breath but still held their foreheads together and started laughing. He lovingly kissed her forehead and hugged her rubbing her back still smiling wiping a lone tear from the side of an eye.

Seokjin: “Y/N, I love you. That is the truth. Never doubt it, no matter anyone says. Do you love me?”

Y/N smiled and broke the hug and was feeling shy to meet his gaze. She tucket some strands of hair behind her ear and said “I love you too, Seokjin”

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now