Double meanings

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Y/N and Seokjin reached school and she observed Seokjin was walking with her.

Y/N: Don't walk with me. People will think otherwise. I don't want people to know that I am staying with you and start imagining things about us. See, those girls are wagging their tongues looking at us. I am sure they're talking something about us.

It pricked Seokjin hearing that Y/N does not want people to know that she's staying at his house. He got angry.

Seokjin: I know that OK. More than you I don't want people to know that we stay together. You see, I have a reputation of being the hottest guy in school. Girls are ready to trade a fortune for spending a few hours with me. I don't want to spoil my image.

Y/N: Then why are you shouting? Why do you sound so angry?

Seokjin: (Scoffing) Huhh...what? Angry and me? I am not fact I am relieved that we two think alike. Now bye and don't bug me.

Seokjin walked away murmuring to himself, "I don't want people to know that I am staying with you", he repeated Y/N's words mocking her. "Huhh...why does she not want people to know? Am I that bad? Wait a minute...why is it affecting me so much, why I am upset that she tried to maintain some distance from me". He bumped into his friend Chris

Chris: Yo dude! Watch where you're walking. Where are you lost? So, how was your weekend? Oh, by the way...I heard from people that you came to school with that hot chick exchange student? Did you spend the weekend with her? lucky ass you are! So tell is she in bed? Virgin or pro?

Chris slyly winked at Seokjin and his eyes followed Y/N, rather her ass.

Seokjin lost his cool hearing him address Y/N as hot chick and degrading her like that. He felt a sudden adrenaline rush and wanted to punch Chris, kick his balls till he dies. He fisted his palms and tried his best to control his anger. He gritted his teeth and held Chris's collar by one hand, pushed him to a wall. He pressed Chris's cheeks with his other hand "What did you say?", he uttered angrily. Chris gulped his saliva down. "Listen to me Chris, if you address her like that one more time, I will forget that you're my friend. Get this very clear in your head.", he said softly but this tone intimidated Chris. He was shocked but just nodded his head in an affirmative in response.

Days went by and Y/N got close to Seokjin's family. They never made her feel like an outsider. They always fed her well, spoke to her well, always took her along for all the family outings and not to mention always took great care of her. Y/N too took care of the family and the house as her own. She really felt at home with them, except with Seokjin. He was someone she was still having difficulty understanding. Sometimes, he would be outright rude to her and tell the meanest things to her. Sometimes he would help her to the fullest. Sometimes, he would be angry at her for no reason at all. Sometimes, he would be kind and gentle with her. Sometimes, he would stand against the bullies protecting her, sometimes he himself would bully her.

At the dinner,

Mr Ji- Hoon: Oh, I have something important and something good to tell you guys. I have been promoted at my work. I am now the President and guess what...they're sending me officially to California for whole 2 months for a training. And, the next big thing is..they're sponsoring for my family..all of you as well!

Everyone jumped with joy and hugged Mr Ji- Hoon. Y/N too hugged Ji- Hoon and congratulated him. Ji-Hoon was always fond of this child, intelligent, hard working, mature, well disciplined, kind and sensible. He hugged her back and patted her head lovingly. "You know what Y/ are our lucky charm. Since the time, you have come to our house, this house has become so lively, so happy", he said. Y/N became emotional wondering if her Dad might be feeling the exact opposite of what Ji- Hoon was feeling. She hugged him tight and Ji- Hoon lovingly roamed his hand over her head and back. "You're missing home?", he asked. "Hmm...a little. But you never make me miss my Dad", she slowly uttered.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now