One year later

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****1 YEAR LATER****

MC: Our next contestant we have is Miss Y/N from India.

The crowd cheered and clapped. With one hand on her waist, Y/N walked confidently on the stage upon hearing her name wearing the brightest and the most cheerful smile

Judge 1: Welcome Miss Y/N. How are you feeling? And by the way, let me take a moment to tell you that you are looking breathtakingly beautiful

Y/N (smiling): Namaste. Thank you so much for the compliment M'am. Actually, umm...I am a bit nervous, but mostly excited to have reached here.

Judge 2 (smirking): Well, hope our question for you in this round does not make you more nervous.

Judge 3: OK. Your question is – In the world of social media, what is your understanding of an influencer and who do you think is the greatest influencer?

Y/N: Thank you so much for the question sir. I think an influencer is a person who makes use of the love, the adulation, the attention of the audience to bring about a meaningful change in the society and try their bit to make the world a beautiful place. And I think, the greatest influencer of all times has been Princess Diana. She was an influencer in the true sense long before social media came into existence and long before this term 'influencer' was even coined. She made the best use of the attention of the people, media attention, the paparazzi, her fashion statements, her beauty... to become an activist. She was a patron to multiple charities throughout her life, in which many of the organisations focused on AIDS awareness and prevention, banning the use of landmines, battling poverty and homelessness, various cancer trusts, leprosy, as well as opening up the stigma surrounding mental illness. And it is really unfortunate that we lost a beautiful soul like her. I truly believe, had she been alive, she would have given all the current social media influencers a run for their money!

All the judges giggled looking at each other.

Judge 4: You know not many people especially the current generation do not know much about Princess Diana, but I hope after hearing you they start googling about her. And I am really happy, that there are still some young people like you who know and acknowledge what a great person she was. That was a wonderful answer Miss Y/N.

The crowd cheered again. The judges questioned all the other contestants as well. And then there was the time to announce the winners. "OK, I now have the unanimous decision of all the judges", the MC said waving the piece of paper he had in his hand. "So the names of the finalists are- Miss Y/N, Miss A, Miss B".

The 3 women excitedly hugged each other and stepped forward towards the center of the stage. They stood holding each others hands tight.

"So it's time to announce the second runner up. Any guesses guys?", he yelled towards the audience hyping them up. "So, the second runner up is.....Miss B", he yelled with enthusiasm. Miss B got disappointed a bit. A judge walked towards her and presented her with a bouquet congratulating her.

MC: And now...the moment has arrived. The moment we all were waiting with bated breath. The journey of over thousands of talented women has now come to an end. It's now time to announce the winner.

Y/N and Miss A stood there frozen hugging each other. Their eyes closed and breathing heavy with anxiety and anticipation.

MC: And the first runner up is....Miss A...and that makes Miss Y/N...Miss India, the winner tonight, THE MISS WORLD!

Fire crackers lit up the stage bringing Y/N out of her trance. She was now smiling, laughing with tears in her eyes. She could not believe it she won the Miss World title, defeating thousands of women along the way. A judge walked towards her and draped the stash along her shoulder. In it was written "Y/N, Miss World". A throne like chair was brought on the stage and Y/N was made to sit on it. Former Miss World then removed the throne from her head and placed it on Y/N's head. Crackers and lights again lit up the stage. She looked directly into the camera. Her eyes were glossy due to the tears of happiness as they captivated millions of hearts across the world.

Miles away in South Korea, Seokjin pulled the blanket that was over him and sat on the bed holding the mobile phone in his hands and yelled in excitement, "Yes! Yes! Yes!....You won...I knew it. You're the best Y/N." It was late night. Everybody was deep asleep, tired as hell practicing the whole day. And Seokjin's voice disturbed everybody's sleep. Namjoon, who was sleeping on the bunk bed above Seokjin peeked below to him with sleepy eyes and hissed in irritation, "yaa Seokjinshi...why're you screaming so late night disturbing everybody's sleep? Jungkook is having fever and Taehyung is suffering from sore throat. Jimin has fainted thrice today during dance practice. Hoseok and Suga have sprained their ankles. And you have received enough scoldings today from PD nim... And I am shit tired of taking care of all of you. All of us haven't eaten anything other than few chicken pieces. Am I asking too much from you, if I am asking to at least not disturb our sleep? And what are you watching on your phone..what were you blabbering..who won what?"

"Aaahh..Namjoona..I am really sorry. I should have not screamed. Sorry...please go back to sleep", Seokjin apologized profusely and put his phone aside. Namjoon went back to sleep and so did Seokjin thinking, "Oh Y/N..why is it that even today whenever I have a bad day, it's only you who can bring me peace?" He drifted into sleep thinking about Y/N, about how beautiful and confident she looked on screen.

Next day, having slept for only 3 to 4 hours, they woke up early to follow the same routine of vocal trainings, dance routines, gym routines with their managers monitoring their food intakes like a hawk. Sometimes, Seokjin felt like leaving everything and pursue something else. Their debut was close. All the band members were excited as hell except for Seokjin. He was feeling very low lately. Hence on a weekend, he took permission from the manager and visited home.

"Eomma, Appa, Hyung...anyone there?", he yelled upon entering home removing his shoes. His Mom came running to the living room to receive his son who came home after months. They hugged each other lovingly. His Dad also hugged his son. " have lost so much weight Jinaa..look at your cheeks, they've gone inside. You had such plump cheeks", his Mom said holding his face. "Aaah..stop it Eomma....I am not in kindergarten to have chubby cheeks. I have to impress the girls now. Hence I am in the process of becoming handsome", he said with a smirk and attitude. "Aaigoo, my son is already world wide handsome!", she said lovingly pinching his cheeks. Nostalgia was what hit him upon hearing the words 'worldwide handsome'. It was Y/N who had first told him when she had acknowledged her feelings for him. Soon after which they had made love for the first time. He was snapped out of his thoughts when his father tapped his shoulders. They sat on the couch while his mother served him some home made dumplings.

"By the way Jinaa...did you see the television. Our Y/N won the Miss World Title!.....mmmmm...she looked so pretty.....yeppodaa. She has quite an unusual beauty. I knew this the moment I saw her for the first time. Can't believe our Y/N has become so famous now", Seokjin's mother screeched in excitement. "I was pretty impressed by her answer on Princess Diana. I mean, we know she is a smart girl, but the way she promptly answered without taking much time, the choice of words, her confidence, her radiant smile. She literally stood out among all the other contestants", his father added to the conversation. Seokjin was feeling uncomfortable with the talks about Y/N. It was as if all the previous incidences played in his head again. His own house started to haunt him after Y/N left, so much so that, till date he has not stepped in her room, which was technically his room prior to Y/N. Every corner of this house reminded him of Y/N. This was one of the reason, he seldom visited his own home. "Aaah..chaebal. enough of talks about her. She won it. Well, good for her. Now, why don't you both ask about me. Like how my preparation for debut is going on, and so on?", he changed the topic. "Omo miyaane! So come on tell me how is everything at the dorm? How is your practice going on? I have heard some terrible stories of entertainment companies treating their trainees badly. Hope nothing like that is with this company? How are your band mates? You should call them for a meal sometime. Till now, I have only that kid, Jungkook. Hmm..sweet child", his mother was on a non stop tape. Seokjin simply smiled hearing his mother's sweet concerns. The day went by with him catching up with his family and playing some games on the playstation with his brother.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now