Dream Big

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***Hi guys..Thank you all the people who read this ff. I want to apologize for posting late as I had to undergo a surgery. I am fine now and at home. It will really boost up my morale if you guys can make any suggestions to regarding this ff. Also, please refrain from using hateful language as we don't do that in Bangtan world.***

Seokjin (smirking): I will go only on one condition.

Y/N:  And what is that.. Going by the looks that you're giving right now.. I know it is definitely something gross..

Seokjin laughed, lifted her and placed her on the kitchen counter, while wrapping her legs around him.

Seokjin( whispering in her ears): If I get selected, I will be having multiple rounds of some wild sex with you all night.. Kind of a celebration sex!

Her jaw dropped upon hearing this. She felt extremely shy that she had to cover her face with her hands and just look down. He chucked getting this cute reaction from her and kissed her forehead taking her in his warm embrace.

Over the next weeks, both of them got really busy and serious with their studies, after all it was the final year of high school. The most important exam on which their entire future will be decided was just a few weeks away. The exam stress could be felt by all the students and their parents in South Korea. Irregular meals and irregular sleep was common in every student house. The schedule of all students taking this exam was school, then cram school, then study in the library, come home, study till wee hours in the morning and then repeat. Y/N had an additional task of preparing notes for Seokjin. She could never forget the passion and the love she saw in his eyes while he was singing for those 3 to 4 mins. It was a magical charm. She knew he was born to be a singer. She knew that he deserves to be one. It was his dream to be one. And for that she was supporting him in the best way she can. While Seokjin used to practice his vocals till wee hours, Y/N used to give him time to time tips. Also, regular group studies help him a lot to cope up with the rest of the class.

The day of the audition arrived. Seokjin did not inform his family of this as his parents were strictly against show business. According to them, it is a risky career, with very little to no guarantee of success. Everyday, lakhs land in Seoul to make it in the industry, but many perish and are forced to do menial jobs. His parents did not have any grand expectations from him. Just get into any college, graduate after 4 years, and work in any company, get married, have kids and so on. They did not care much about how much money their son would make in the future. All they wanted him was to be safe and secured. But Seokjin, did not want to live with any regrets in the future. He wanted to give his best shot, no matter what! With aided confidence from Y/N, he really started to believe in himself.

Both of them arrived at the audition venue. It was nothing like any entertainment company. It was more or less like a dilapidated building, in a not so good locality, with mess around. The queue wasn't huge either, with hardly 50 people.

Seokjin: Y/N, are you sure this is not a scam? I mean look around, there are no posters, no flyers, no advertisement about the audition. We forgot, we should have checked on the internet about this audition. We just believed that man's words.

He asked the boy standing in front of him, whether this was an audition, to which the boy replied in affirmative.

Y/N: Even I am a bit confused. Now that we have reached till here, why don't just give an audition for the sake of it.

There were boys standing with their guitars and violins and other instruments. The sun was above their heads in the hot summer. And both of them were tired. She got Seokjin some lemonade and some gimbap to refresh him.

Suddenly, she noticed a boy standing behind him, much younger than both of them staring at them earnestly. Initially, she ignored but later she realized that he was staring at their food. She then met his gaze which had an innocence of a little child.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now