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Seokjin stretched his arms letting out small lazy moans. He slowly opened his eyes adjusting to his surroundings. His hands fell on his right hand to feel her but he twitched his eyebrows when he was unable to. She wasn’t there. He pouted disappointedly holding her hairclip that she had left behind thinking, “Where did she go? I wanted a kiss”.  He started blushing thinking about their love making session, how erotic her scent was, how soft and smooth her body was, how her beautiful eyes had a language of their own; when she blushed, how her long eyelashes covered her from showing her shyness in those eyes; how he felt so warm, so moist, so soft even when his rock hard d**k was stroking her. He just couldn’t forget the love he saw in her eyes for him when she cried.

Thinking about all this he became impatient and wanted to see her right then. He immediately wore his clothes and walked out. To his surprise he could not find her anywhere in the house. He called her on her phone but it got forwarded to voice message. Looking at the wall-clock which had striked 7 PM, he could not help but wonder where she was. He got up from the couch and went to drink some water. The sex was really dehydrating. He found a note on the refrigerator written by Y/N  

“I am at the library studying for the upcoming test. 

I will be late. Will eat something here.

 Don’t wait for me. Have your dinner and go to sleep”

“Why did she go there when she has all the books and notes here in the house…..Hmm…I already miss her”. He stormed to the bathroom to take a shower when she again plagued his thoughts again. Thinking about her warmth, he started to shag himself again imagining him banging y/n against the wall when she has her legs wrapped around his waist…”Aaah..huuuu…next time I am definitely  taking Y/N here in the shower….is shower sex complicated, will never know till tried?” With that he released all the built up. He washed himself again blushing hard. 

It was 9 PM when Seokjin was watching a game of soccer slurping some ramyeon. Time and again his eyes shifted to the door in anticipation. An hour passed. He again called her on the phone, again the call got transferred to voice mail and now he was concerned for her. He grabbed his jacket to go and bring her from the library. He was outside the gate of his house when his phone rang. It was her. 

Y/N: “Hi Seokjin. I am here at the bus stop. I think the bus is late. Hehe..Don’t worry. There are other girls with me.”

Seokjin: “Umm..I am coming to pick you up. Don’y worry.”

Y/N: (startled) “No no. It’s not required. You can go to sleep. I have the keys. Don’t wait for me. Ok?”

Seokjin was strolling around the house talking to her when he noticed someone’s silhouette at a small distance.  It was dark and there was a single streetlight at a distance. He could not see clearly so he ignored it and turned around when he heard a sneeze, twice at the same time. One on the phone and one near him. He again turned around and now was standing facing that person.

Seokjin: “Did you eat? What did you eat?”

Y/N: “Umm…I ate some teokbokki. Now bye. Good night.”

He understood that the person hiding was none other than Y/N. She came out from her hiding coughing and waving out some mosquitoes, when she bumped into him. She got startled and went back a few steps.  She fidgeted with her bag straps avoiding his gaze. . With folded hands he stood exactly in front of her, “What? Do I need to ask why you were hiding when you were so close to the house?”

She nervously smiled and said, “hehe..I just didn’t want to disturb your sleep.”

“Y/N, It’s well past 10 PM and you’re not in the house. You think I could have slept!”, he screamed angrily at her. She flinched. He looked scary when angry. He rubbed his temples and sighed in frustration, “Hmm…let’s go home. Come on, it’s too late”. She nodded and walked briskly with him following her. She opened the main door, straight away went inside her room and locked the door.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now