The Start

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Over the next few weeks Seokjin’s family came home from their vacation. Y/N and Seokjin had decided to keep their relationship under wraps from is family and when the time is right they would disclose it. Moreover, it was not that his family would disapprove of Y/N as they loved the little girl. 

 Seokjin and Y/N behaved like any normal lovey dovey couple. Playing footsie under the dining table, giving cute little pecks while in the house in hiding, passing chits to each other hiding it in books, talking to each other in sign language in the library, playing ping pong during P.E. Seokjin always lost and boy he was a sulky loser! And Y/N enjoyed teasing him about it. 

Seokjin was running away from the gaming booth while Y/N was running behind him. Catching hold of him,

Y/N: What happened? How can you be such a sulky loser? Are you a little kid?

Seokjin: (angry but pouting) It’s not that. Tell me, how are you so good in basketball, car and bike racing, ping pong, ice skating games? You always want to come to these places because you know that you win all the time.

Y/N: (giggling) It’s nothing like that. I like to come here because I enjoy these games. When I came to Seoul, and I did not have a single friend, I use to hang out in these places after school. That’s how I mastered the art. Ok..alright..stop sulking now…Next time I will allow you to win.

Seokjin: Yaaa…What do you mean by allow Huhh…I can win on my own! And I promise, one day I am going to win against you in all these games.

Going on dates was always a delight to both of them no matter the simplicity of it- no high end fancy restaurants nor clubs, just some local street foods, some ice-cream, and walking hand in hand across the Han river in each other’s company and warmth was enough for both of them. To Seokjin, there was never a dull moment with her, even in mundane activity like studying. 

Star gazing was another activity that they loved doing together. Every night after dinner, when everyone was asleep, they would meet at the roof top, lie down on some spare broken furniture with their palms under their heads and just look at the stars. 

Y/N: (pointing her index finger above) See that star…one of the brightest one…Polaris aka the North Star. And see that constellation..The Great Bear..aka The Ursa Major. Hey, do you believe in wormholes?

Seokjin: Well, there are worms on the ground, so yea I believe there might be holes as well.

Y/N: (giggling) Not that…Wormholes in the space!

Seokjin: What are they?

Y/N: Well, it is one of Einstein’s theory of folding space and time.

She picked some random paper lying down and started illustrating using index finger. 

Y/N: Consider this paper as a universe. Now, there are 2 points in it- A and B. Tell me, what is the shortest distance to travel from A to B

Seokjin: Simple…Go straight from A to B.

Y/N: Bingo! But in a wormhole, since space and time of the universe are warped , both places A and B are connected to one another and the shortest distance might be through it. (She explained rolling the paper)

There was some rare sparkle in her eyes while explaining this. He was mesmerised by it. 

Seokjin: (kissed her forehead) Sometimes, I really forget how smart you are!

Seokjin: What is your dream Y/N? Did you figure it out?

Y/N: Umm…not yet.  But something in academics, become a physicist or a doctor, get married, have kids. That’s it. Unlike you, I really don’t have any grand dreams for myself.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now