A Surprise!

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Weeks went by. Y/N was trying hard to make at least one friend. But the girls just didn't know enough English to communicate with her plus they were jealous of all the male attention she received in school. In a way, she was kind of an exotic breed in school. The boys on the other hand were overly friendly, overly touchy with her even though she did not like that kind of attention. Seokjin on the other hand was always shy around her and always escaped her whenever she was close. Regarding studies, Y/N was able to cope with all the subjects except one..Hangul! She dreaded that.

One evening after school when she returned to her hostel, she was shocked to see her belongings outside of her room and people gathered around it. The warden told her that a water pipe had burst and few rooms on the floor were filled with water. They saved whatever little items they could save of Y/N. Y/N was in a fit. What would she do now? Where would she go? The warden tried to contact other hostels in the vicinity for a vacant room, but to no avail. She then contacted Y/N school's administration department. The only person who they thought fit to be contacted was parent-teacher body president. Y/N was seated in the warden's front office with all her luggage and crying profusely. The evening was becoming cold and she did not even have a warm jacket to cover herself. All got soiled in the water. She thought of contacting her father, but she knew the moment she did that she will have to pack her bags from Korea. She got a call from an unknown number. It was from the president of the parent-teacher body.

Mrs Seol-hee: Yeoboseyo, Am I talking to Ms. Y/N?

Y/N: Yes it's me. Who is this on the line.

Mrs Seol-hee: I am the president of the parent-teacher body. I got to know of the situation you are in from your warden. I have a bad news for you. There are really no hostels in the nearby vicinity that has an empty dorm. 

Hearing this Y/N started crying profusely.

Mrs Seol-hee: Calm down my dear. I also have a good news for you. I have an extra room in my house. Would you mind staying with my family? 

Y/N was not sure about this idea. She was still struggling to adjust with the local people and on top of that staying with a korean family would be awkward both to her and the family as well. She did not want to cause any inconvenience to them. "But, I am not in a situation to think about other's comfort now. If she is providing me the offer upfront, I am sure she and family have discussed about this and are ok. Or should I go to a motel...god ..no..the entire korea knows what happens in motels. Forget it...I'll accept her offer", thought Y/N. 

Y/N: Thank you M'am. But what about the fees? How much do you expect?

Hearing this Mrs Seol-hee started laughing.

Mrs Seol-hee: Aaaigooo...aren't you sweet! Don't worry about that. I won't rip you off. We can discuss the money matters later. Now pack your bags and come at the address that I will text you.

It was night when she arrived at the address. Mrs Seol-hee let her inside. It was a very basic house- a long circular couch that could fit at least 6 to 7 people, a center table, television, dining table. The walls were designed with floral wallpapers which really brightened up the living room. It had 3 bedrooms- one of which was allocated to Y/N. The moment Y/N stepped inside the house, she bowed down to 3 people, which she knew was the family she would be staying with. The man opened his mouth to say "Hello", when he got pleasantly surprised by what he heard Y/N say.

Y/N: Annyeonghaseyo...I am Y/N. 

Mrs Seol-hee, her husband and her son looked at each other in surprise and smiled.

Mrs Seol-hee: Welcome to our house Y/N. Gosh..you're so beautiful. I am Seol-hee. He is my husband Ji-Hoon and meet my son Sang-hoon. 

Y/N shook hands with everyone. Mrs Seol-hee offered Y/N dinner and they started chatting. This was the first time she was having home made food in Korea. She was a little skeptical. She tasted one piece of the chicken and there was no going back. She started hogging on the food. Mrs Seol-hee smiled lookin at Y/N eat so well and patted her head saying "Eat well dear..looks like you've really been hungry".  Y/N thanked her for the food. She also spoke to them how she came to korea, how she feels school is, she spoke about her family back in India. Time passed away in these gossips and it was bed time. Y/N sat on the bed and was looking around the room. It had a few posters of famous korean idol singers pasted on the wall. An A/C, a desk, a guitar and a wardrobe. Y/N was very tired. Today was quite an eventful day for her. She quickly changed to her shorts and spagetti top and fell on the bed to sleep. 

"Yaaa Do-hyunaa, do you have any idea how much I had to convince my parents for this night out. And now you've cancelled it when I had almost reached the destination. You think it's a joke. Aaahhh...now I understood...your girlfriends' parents are out of town again right? That's exactly why you ditched us. Ghwenchanaaa...so it's hoes before bros for you. It's fine..you know what? I hope you don't get any action from your girlfriend today", saying this Seokjin cut the call and opened the door of his house with the spare keys he had. He did not want to wake up his parents and disturb their sleep. He slowly tip-toed to his room, removed his t- shirt, wore his pajamas and went to sleep. Few minutes later he turned to his left side and threw his hands to the side and could feel something really soft. He slowly opened his eyes and could not believe the sight in front of him. It was the same girl that was giving Seokjin a really hard time in school. 

"Hhhmmm...what a sweet dream I am having right now. I could easily be lost admiring her beautiful face. So delicate, so innocent, so peaceful. Her skin is glowing. Those perfect collar bones and woah..woah..what is she wearing? whatever it is..her boobs...just perfectly shaped. Hehehee...am I having a wet dream now...about her? Her lips...so plump. Who would not want to have those. I want to touch her. want to kiss those lips. Wait a minute..I am anyways in a dream, so who cares what I do in my dream?", thinking so he lifted his hands. 

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now