What the f**k!

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He moved few of strands of her long hair behind her ear that were falling on her beautiful face and obstructing his view. Slowly he placed his palm on her cheeks and starting caressing it, "so soft..so smooth", he thought. He lifted his finger and traced it along her forehead to her sharp pointed nose and stopped there before going further down. He was lost in those beautiful luscious plump pink lips. "stop it Seokjinaa...she will break if you go any further!", he thought to himself. He did not want to harm her even in dream. He again started to caress her cute plump cheeks lovingly and smiling to himself, "you are one helluva combination of hot and cute at the same time!", he thought.  

Y/N felt something ticklish on her cheeks and slowly opened her eyes only to be met by even surprised eyes of Seokjin. Trying to get up she pushed away his hands saying "What the holy f**k are yo....", Seokjin immediately covered her mouth by her hands and came over her, on his knees, his legs on each side of her, pushing her back on the bed, his one hand covering her mouth and the other hand held both her tiny hands above her head real tight. She was now lying on her back on the bed and in complete control of Seokjin. She was struggling and making muffled sounds to release herself from his grip but who was she kidding, she was really fragile in front of him. he further tightened his grip on her wrists, his nails digging in her delicate skin. Y/N was now in pain. His shirtless body was too close for comfort and then she realised that she was not wearing any bra under her spaghetti top. "Oh God, I wish the earth opens up right now and swallows me in it. Why is he here in my room and what is he even doing? How the hell did we even end up in this position! Aaahh...it pains..it hurts" , she thought looking straight into his eyes terrified. 

Seokjin was struggling to keep himself in control. Pinned under him is a very beautiful woman in a closed room. Her breath was intoxicating him. He wanted to do numerous things to her. He was lost in those vivid eyes as though he could see her soul. He could see that her eyes are shocked, surprised, terrified and were pleading something. "Please don't move your gaze down from my eyes....please don't look at my bosom...I beg of you..please leave me", she thought.

"I want her..right now...No...i will break her, she's so fragile, so pure, so innocent...I have to control myself...move away right now Seokjin", struggling with his inner demons he left her hands and moved away from her. She jumped out of the bed immediately and grabbed his shirt that was lying down, quickly wore it and buttoned it and then turned to him. "What the hell are you doing here? How the hell did you get in? I am informing Mrs Seol-hee right now", saying this she started to storm to the door. Seokjin was shocked to hear her mother's name from her mouth. He held her arms, "Mrs Seol-hee is my mother and this is my house and you are right now standing in my f**king room!", yelled Seokjin at her. Y/N flinched back. The yelling made the entire family wake up and come in the Seokjin's room. All of them were surprised looking at both of them

Mrs Seol-hee: (Shocked)Seokjinaa, you were supposed to come home tomorrow? 

Seokjin: (Angry)Eomma...what is Y/N doing in our house and moreover in my room?

Mr Ji-hoon: (Surprised) You know her?

Y/N: Yes sir, we are classmates.

Mr Ji-hoon: That's great. Seokjina, you guys can do combined studies.

Y/N and Seokjin looked at each other and said in unison, "No way!"

Seokjin: (irritated) Eomma , Appa...can anyone please tell me what's happening here.

Mrs Seol-hee was a bit nervous. She gulped her throat and explained everything to her son and told him that he will have to share his brother's room.

Seokjin: Seriously! You thought you can help her by giving her my room. There's no way I am giving her my room. Why can't Hyeong give his room. Why is it that every time I have to compromise? Just because I am the youngest? Why is it that you never think about me Eomma? Aaaahh Wae!

Seokjin screamed and there was silence in the room. Y/N found herself in between a family drama now and it was killing her that she was the sole reason for all this. She hung her head low gripping Seokjin's shirt that she was wearing tight, looking at her feet.

Mr Ji-hoon: (lil high pitched voice) Seokjina, is the way to talk to your mother? Is this what we teach you? Y/N can rotate rooms on a monthly basis' next month she will take Sang-hoon's room.

"I don't want to listen anything", saying this Seokjin took his pillow and comforter and stormed out the room to sleep on the couch. Before going out, he made sure to give a death glare to Y/N. Y/N got scared and stumbled 2 steps back.

Y/N: (coming close to Mrs Seol-hee and holding her hands)I am really sorry Mrs Seol-hee. I did not mean to cause any fight in your family. I will move out tomorrow morning. I will manage something. It was really sweet of you to provide me an accommodation but I don't want any fights in your family because of me.

Mrs Seol-hee: (caressing Y/N's head) Oh don't worry about Seokjin. He might look cold and angry but he has a very warm heart. Once he cools down, he'll be fine. He is a very generous, unselfish and a caring child. I know he is angry at me, but I know he cannot be angry with his mom for long. It's quite late and we all should go to sleep. 

She cupped Y/N's face, kissed her forehead and said "good night dear and don't worry about Seokjin." They left her room and Y/N made sure to lock it properly.

Seokjin was tossed and turned in anger on the couch shutting his eyes tight and trying to get some sleep. But all he could think is how beautiful Y/N looked pinned under him. How sexy she looked when she wore his shirt. The sleeves were too long for her and the hem of the shirt reached till her thighs. It was too much for him. He could not stop think that when Y/N folded her hands and gripped herself further in his shirt, his mind blew off completely. He wanted to hold her tight in his arms and rip off his shirt from her. If he had not stormed out of the room at that instant, he was sure to have done that.

"How the hell am I gonna stay sane having her under my roof!", he thought. He could not get a wink of sleep that night and he knew that there might be many sleepless nights to follow.

"Hi guys..I am sorry. This chapter is very short and not much happened here. Please vote and comment your feedback"

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