Is she a doll?

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"All right class, welcome back to school. Hope you all had great fun in the summer break." "Yes M'am", replied the students to their home room teacher's question.

"That's great to hear. I have one more news for you all. This year, we have an exchange student and any guesses from where?"

"Umm...America? No...Australia? China? England?", screamed the students one after the other.

"North Korea?", shouted Kim Seokjin and bursted out laughing his signature windshield laugh. Entire class started laughing.

"That's a good joke Seokjin. Anyways, no one guessed it correct. Our exchange student is from ummm...even I am unsure of where she is from? Why don't you all be friends with her and get to know her more. Come inside Y/N,  don't be shy dear.....we're all friends here."

"Woah...she' s tall. Exactly where does her hair end...Oh..just  above her hips! I've never seen any girl with this long hair. Full plump lips. it's her eyes. How on earth can any human have so big eyes, is that even possible?"  Y/N tucked a strand of hair that fell on her face behing her ear and looked at the class ahead and all the boys melted in Y/N's beauty. The icing on the cake..she had these really cute glasses on her eyes. The girls were just eyeing her in envy.

"Hi guys. I am Y/N. I am from India. I am an exchange student. This is my first time in Korea. Hope we can be good friends", she said managing a smile.

Y/N was nervous beyond limits. This was the first time she was away from her family, and that too in a totally different country. She landed in Seoul a week or two before and she was struggling a lot. The weather, the people, the language, the food, the culture, the habits...everything was so different from home. She had only been surviving on convenience stores food since the time she arrived in Seoul. 

"Did I make a mistake by coming here? I Should have given it some more thought. I should have chosen America instead. Everyone including Dad is of the opinion that coming to Korea is the biggest career blunder I made. But, this is my only chance..only chance .... I need some closure. It is important to me. Dad did not even come to see me off at the airport. Hope he is doing well". Y/N used to be plagued by these thoughts every day and every night till her eyes became heavy due to sleep.

"That's amazing Y/N. After many years, this school has seen an exchange student..and you are the first one from India. Wish you good luck Y/N.", the teacher said patting Y/N on her back while gesturing her to take a seat. Y/N looked around and found an empty desk next to Seokjin. She went and took it. The entire day Seokjin was having a hard time focussing on anything. His ears were just this deep shade of red and hot everytime he touched them. Time and again he stole glances at Y/N to more than really understand her beauty. Once Y/N caught him staring at her. She smiled and waved her hands at him..."Hi".  Seokjin was lost in those deep beautiful eyes. The way they sparkled when she smiled. "Are those eyelashes fake? Who has so long ones? Is she for real", he thought still lost in her beauty and at a loss of words. She again waved at him breaking him from his thoughts. Embarrassed, he smiled at her. He relaxed a bit, drank some water from his bottle, tilted his position to face her. "Appear cool Seokjin...appear cool!" Placing his one foot on the knee of the other leg, rolling up his sleeves and with an air of confidence, he muttered, "Hi... I am Kim Seokjin", wearing a smile that could kill millions. 

"See, see I know...can't resist my charm right. She's lowered her eyes a bit...faintly smiling but I know she's melting inside. That's right girl. This is my school and here only I am responsible to make people go week on their knees...not you! You might be the new fish of the school but I am the king of charms here!", thought Seokjin.

Y/N smiled ear to ear, dragged her desk close to Seokjin and let her handout for a handshake. "Hi, I am Y/N. Nice to meet you." Seokjin was taken aback by this gesture. Her fragrance was mesmerizing. She was having an effect on him that he could not understand. He could feel his confidence fading away everytime she smiled and her eyes sparkled. He let his hand out for the handshake and was amazed at how soft and smooth her hands felt in his hands. How perfectly her hands fit into his. She tried to break the handshake but he did not want to leave her. It became awkward for a moment, but Seokjin left her hands instantly once he realized her discomfort. They spoke for a few minutes about some random things in the school and about the course. He had no idea what he was blabbering about. He excused himself after a few minutes and walked calmly outside the classroom, keeping a hand in his pocket. Once outside, he ran, just ran to god knows where. 

He stopped when he reached the playground. "'s nothing...just a little effect of puberty..nothing else." , he thought. Little did he know, this is not just puberty and this encounter will change his entire life.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now