Screwed up

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Y/N now had the address of a factory in her hands. It was in Busan. She decided to leave for Busan this weekend after the session with Seokjin i.e teaching session. His family had long gone to California and to Y/N's surprise Seokjin behaved well even in his parent's absence. He reduced bullying her and started to help her in house chores. Both of them did not see each other as romantic partners but the sexual tension between them always confused them. Seokjin named it puberty and Y/N...well she just ignored it.

Y/N knocked his room and he opened it. She waved a few books in front of his face and smiled. Seokjin loved to see her smile, he loved how her smile always reached her eyes, the way they twinkle even for the smallest of the reasons. He loved to wake up, rush out of the room and find her doing some random stuff every morning. He loved to spend dinner time with her watching some movie or drama with her. Unknowingly, she became his habit.

Y/N: Let's start.

Seokjin: Let's move to the living room. I am not comfortable here.

Both of them sat at the dining table and Y/N started explaining microbiology to him through a book. He was having a hard time focussing on what she was saying, rather he was busy admiring her. She moved her hair behind her ears and he felt his heart will be out of his mouth. Accidently, he licked his lips seductively and she caught him doing this. She tapped a pen on his head, to bring him back to reality, "What happened? Find this stuff boring?", she asked. He smiled embarrassingly and said, "I always find studies boring. And, you make it even more boring! You have no teaching skills. Please, do not be in the teaching profession in future". He laughed and diverted the topic.

She joined with him and laughingly asked,

Y/N: "Really, what about you? What do you want to be in life? You can easily pass for a model or an actor", she said.

Seokjin: "What, stop it. Actor, who me? Naae!

She moved her thumb and the index finger of both the hands in front of his face to form a box, imitating a camera and closed one eye. "I am serious, look at you. A face so glowing and pimples. Eyes so deep and sharp anyone can drown in them. Perfect razor sharp jawline...and of course strong, wide, are truly actor/ model material", she said so much in one breath not realising, that Jin got flustered by her compliments. It means that she really observes him. Her smile faded and Seokjin was pretty surprised and smirked at Y/N. She felt like killing herself for the big mouth that she has got. Seokjin understood her silence and said,

Seokjin: Alright, I'll tell you what...It's my dream to be my idol singer. Have never really told anyone, not even my parents. You are the first one to know.

Y/N: Really, wow. But, do you really know how to sing and dance and create music?

Seokjin: I can sing, write lyrics and create music as well. Want to hear some of my latest creations? I still do not have the confidence to show it to anyone. Will you be my first audience and my first critic?

Y/N smiled with whole honesty and sincerity and that was what Seokjin required at that moment. He ran to his room to get a guitar and his notes. He started to strum and sing a Korean song. He was still an amateur. Y/N was lost at how happy, contented and beautiful he looked with a guitar in his hands. She could see the passion he had for his dream even though his eyes were closed. She saw a complete character shift in him. At that time, he was not a cool ass dude nor a goofed up person as he usually is... But, he was like a sincere artist doing complete justice to his art and respecting it to the fullest. He finished the song and Y/N clapped.

Y/N: It's too good. Why have not yet sang it in our so many school functions?

Seokjin: Naae..People will make fun of me.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now