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Y/N woke up slowly blinking her eyes adjusting to the sunlight. She stretched her arms thinking, "wow, I had the best sleep in ages. I slept like a baby and feel so fresh.". She smiled, yawned and looked to her side remembering that Seokjin had given her company last night. She was mesmerized by his beauty. He was in deep slumber. His hair flowing due to the air. His one hand was above his head and one hand engulfed her waist. His mouth was open a little. He looked like a baby who slept after playing endlessly, tired. She felt jealous thinking, "He has flawless skin unlike me, gosh he is glowing so much", she thought smiling. Last night's events played in her mind and was thankful that he was there with her, else she would not have come out of it. She traced her fingers starting from his forehead, down to his nose, to his luscious lips and down to her chin. She cupped his one cheek and said smiling, "I think I am falling for you Mr World Wide Handsome"

He opened his eyes, smiling at his victory looking at her, whereas her smile faded. She gulped and felt her ground being swept away. She understood that he was awake all this time and she was so stupid to blurt out everything feeling shy and embarrassed. As a rescue measure, she pushed her duvet away and was about to get away from this embarrassing situation. But, he was quick to hold her shoulders down and in no time was hovering over her, locking her in his embrace, holding her wrists on each of her sides above her head.

Seokjin (smirking): So, you're falling for me huh.! Am I really handsome?

He got all lusty locking her in this position. Her slim, fragile body that was under him, her long silky hair that rested on her shoulders, her doe shaped eyes that had mixed emotions of fear, love, lust. She gulped and wriggled her hands a little trying to free herself but even she knew that it was going to be a failed attempt. His eyes landed on her red forever juicy lips. He came closer to face and kissed her forehead. She shut her eyes tight in fear. He then aimed her eyes and kissed them lovingly thinking how adorable they were. His lips then glided on her cheeks and was amazed at how silky and smooth her skin was. He bit her jawline slightly and she hissed a bit. He loved her reaction. His eyes saw her lips. His eyes met hers when he asked, "May I?".

She was struggling to find a reason to push him away but just could not. She was feeling a sea of emotions which she had never felt before. She knew that a conscious decision would be to stop all this, but her heart, mind, body and soul just did not cooperate. She nodded and he wasted not even a second and targeted her lips. He kissed, kissed and kissed. Her lips were the softest thing on earth for him. He wanted more of her. From kissing and pecking, he started to suck her lips adjusting the angles each time, pulling and plucking them. Y/N was lost in the rhythm that they had created without any talking, wondering "This is my first time, how come I am so good at this!". She started responding to the kisses with equal fervour. She moaned a little and he took this opportunity to enter her mouth. She got scared and retracted her tongue as far as possible, but Seokjin put even more force and their tongues met. He played with it rolling and sucking it, exploring her mouth, as though swallowing it. He had no control over himself and slowly brought his body close to her to the point where there no space between their bodies, his chest resting on hers and his privates touching his. It would be an understatement to say that there was lust in the air. He left her mouth and reached her jawlines, his lips tracing down to her neck. He found her sensitive spot when she gaped when he kised her neck at one point. He deliberately nuzzled, kissed and sucked over that area for longer time. He went to her collar bones and then to her chest.

A few seconds later he got up on his knees and removed his t-shirt. Yes, he wanted her completely then and there. This time he did not even ask for her. Coz he knew, that there was nothing that could stop him now, not even Y/N. Y/N got scared when he removed his t-shirt, at the same time was admiring how broad and perfectly sculpted his chest and torso were. When he hovered down on her again, she was wondering where this was going and what the next step would be while kissing him again, when seokjin traced his hands over her hips, bare tummy, slim waist, feeling her curves. "Seriously, her skin is the smoothest thing I've laid my hands on!", he thought. His hands reached her night shirt and in no time tore it open. He kissed and sucked on her cleavage. She smelled ecstatic while his hands reached her back and tried to unhook her bra. He got irritated when it was not coming off. In a fit of rage, he tore it open and threw them on the ground. Y/N flinched and now understood the seriousness of the situation she was in. He got to her one b**b and started to devour it while massaging the other. She tried to push him away by hissing a little, when he held her wrists, "Trust me baby, I will make you feel good". Well, that was not a lie either as even though Y/N was scared, she did feel good. He kissed, sucked and bit her perfectly shaped boobs like a tiger eating his prey. His lips then traced her torso, her tummy, her curvy waist giving many licks and open mouth kisses.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now