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Seokjin was in the washroom having a shower. He did not have a wink of sleep last night. Y/N hounded him in his dreams. The uncomfortable couch tortured his muscles. He closed his eyes and all he could see was Y/N. He slowly got an erection. "F**k man, I just had a shower...cannot jerk off now...will get late! ". He turned off the shower and grabbed a towel to dry him off, when he heard a knock on the door. 

Y/N: Seokjin, come out soon. I have to use it. It's urgent. 

Y/N yelled holding her stomach as she wanted to release her bladders asap. 

Seokjin: (irritated) This is my house and this is my bathroom. I will take as much as time as I want. I have just come in and I will take time.

Y/N: Hyeong said you are inside since 30 mins. I think you are done. Please come out.

" she talks to him huhh...comfortable enough to call him hyeong", he thought.

Seokjin: (angry) Yaaa..he's my hyeong and not yours. Don't call him that. 

Y/N: (irritated) But he's ok with me calling him Hyeong. Ok fine, whatever. Please, please come out. I can't hold any longer.

Seokjin grinned evilly and thought of having some fun with her.

Seokjin: (smiliing) How do you know whether I am done or not. I still did not have a bath. 

Saying this he turned the knob of the shower again and stood under it.

Y/N: (shocked) What! Then what the hell are you doing in the bathroom since half an hour?

Seokjin: (smiling and trying to control his laughter) Eeeewwww...what kind of a pervert are you! I am scared for myself now. I knew this would happen...why are you interested in what I do in the bathroom? Only if Mom knew that her son's virginity is in danger with you being around.

Y/N gaped in disbelief, covered her mouth with her hand unable to believe what she just heard while putting her entire weight on the door.

Y/N: (yelling) Huhhh...what the hell are you talking about! You've got me wrong. Ok. Fine. Is it possible for you to give me this bathroom for just 10 mins? Please I beg.

Y/N held her stomach even more tight. She rested her back on the door of the bathroom and shut her eyes tight.

Seokjin waited for a few moments for her to say something but she did not. He wondered if she had left. He wrapped the towel around his hips and opened the door. Y/N lost her balance and she fell back. She felt her back hit by something hard and wet. She tilted her head a bit to the side and looked upwards at him.

  "Handsome is not a word to describe this piece of art.", she thought. His skin was glistening just after the fresh shower he had. Her mind was in a trance of his smell. His hair was still wet and a few drops of water fell on her. But more than anything, it was his eyes that captivated her. Big, doe shaped eyes, in which she could see her reflexion which she could drown in. She could guess and make a rough estimation that her small frame was completely covered by his strong wide shoulders; and boy she was not wrong. If anyone were to see them from behind Seokjin, he/she would never be able to see Y/N. Oddly, at the back of her mind, she felt that she is him. She noticed his eyes soften from the moments ago wide gaze, that he had shot at her.

Seokjin held her by her waist by his one hand and the other hand was on her arms. He was once again lost in her...her intoxicating scent, her smooth long hair that tickled his bare body. The way her neck moved when she gulped. His eyes focussed on a droplet of sweat that rolled down from her forehead to her plump cheeks to her slender neck and got lost in her cleavage. He suddenly felt jealous of the droplet. He could her chest heaving. She blinked her eyes twice and Seokjin lost his mind over her innocence. Absentmindedly, he tightened his grip around her slim waist, which caused her to yelp a little. His eyes moved to her red lips which were parted a bit now and wanted to devour them. 

She felt her back wet and quickly got out of his trance. She straightened herself. Her back was completely wet and her clothes had become see through. He glanced at her back for a second..."Wtf..she's still wearing my shirt." He immediately averted his gaze and looked above when she turned back. She held on to his hands and pushed him out with all her might without saying  a single word and locked the door from inside. He was a bit surprised. He pressed his lips in anger and was about to punch on the door when, "Seokjinaa, Y/N... your breakfast is kept on the table..come soon else both of you will be late for school. Appa and I am leaving for office. Annyong. Take care. And Seokjinaa, be good to Y/N.", yelled Mrs Seol-hee. Seokjin looked at the time and rushed to his room to get ready.

Y/N heard Mrs Seol-hee leave. She finished her bath and grabbed a towel to wipe herself. But, then realization struck her that she is alone with Seokjin and she did not get her clothes with her. She could not even wear his shirt that she had worn this morning as it was completely wet by now. She wrapped the towel around her body and looked in the mirror in the bathroom. "Hmm...My shoulders are exposed and  this towel has reached  my thighs. Hmm..This looks good on me. I can totally rock this look off. Now all I have to do is run till I reach my room.", she thought. She slowly opened the door, hid behind it and looked left and right. Seeing the field clear, she slowly tip toed out of the bathroom and almost ran to her room.

Upon reaching her room, she quickly locked the door and heaved a sigh of relief. "Phew..thank god. Reached safely" , she thought. Alas, it was short lived. She turned around to her room when she noticed a stunned Seokjin...mouth open, his jacket has fallen to the floor from his hands,  body frozen and just blankly looking at her in shock. 

Y/N: (angry and yelling) Yaaa...what the hell are you doing in my room? And, close your eyes right now. 

She grabbed a badminton racket that was hanging on the door and pointed it towards him. Seokjin came out of the trance and immediately covered his eyes with both his hands. "I am...I am sorry...I had come to take my jacket!", he said in defence. "Get out right now! Come and take it later", she yelled. Seokjin nodded and removed his hands from his eyes.

Y/N: (yelling) Who told you to open your eyes? Shut them tight right now!

Seokjin: Shut his eyes again.... How will I see where I am moving?

Y/N guided him. "Go 5 steps to the left, now come 12 steps straight you will find the door. And you will open your eyes only when you hear the sound of the door closing....Understood?", she yelled. He chuckled a bit at how cutely she was trying to look and sound dangerous. "I asked something and I expect an answer", she screamed again and he nodded his head this time. Seokjin moved as per her instructions and reached the door. On the way, his arms brushed against hers and he felt shivers down his body. Before he could turn he heard the door bang  hard. He opened his eyes and looked at the door smiling......."Cute!", he chucked.

You Are My Drug!  (Y/N x Kim Seokjin Passion)Where stories live. Discover now