New Life's Eve

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AIMEE HATED LIVING IN A CARE HOME. There was always some form of chaos going on and she could never get a minute of peace.

Obviously there were plenty of kids to make friends with, but watching them get fostered and leave was the worst. The girl considered herself lucky being in the position she was in though.

When she first came into foster care she went to Burnywood, that was where she met her Liam O'Donovan, her bestfriend, along with Frank of course.

Aimee felt as if the minutes going by were hours as she waited for him to come back from his ex foster home. Liam had been Aimee's partner in crime and the one time he pulled a scam on his own, it just happened his foster parents happened to have enough.

Aimee was sitting in the hall awaiting his arrival, watching Tracy storm up the stairs like she was throwing a tantrum as she needed to hoover.

Aimee rolled her eyes at her childish behaviour. Tracy had promised to help Carmen move into Lily's room, but instead she showed up late and didn't help at all. That whole morning was a mess.

Aimee jumped up from her seat when Mike walked in with Liam's bags, Frank following behind him.

"Where is he?" Aimee asked, very excited to see Liam.

"He was right behind me." Mike told the girl, it ending up sounding more like a question.

Aimee realised where he must be, her suspicions being confirmed when she heard screams from upstairs. She ran towards the noise, into Poppy and Rosie's bedroom.

"So I guess this ain't my room no more." Liam says as he struggles to get through the window.

"Clearly not." Aimee says, chuckling while crossing her arms over her chest. "You're finally back!"

"Oh hey Aims, a little help here?"

She walked over and pulled the boy up, helping him in, seconds before Gina and Mike storm into the room.

"Oh for goodness sake! Could you not come in the front door like everybody else?" Gina asks angrily. "What did you think you were doin', huh? What you want to end up a pile of broken bones on the floor?"

"Oh nice to see you too Gina, see this is why I didn't want to walk through the front door." He sighs dramatically and walks towards the door. "So where am I staying then?"

Aimee had to fight back a laugh as she pulled Liam by the arm, leading him to Carmens old bedroom.

"The pink palace" Liam announces, sarcastically. "My favourite."

"We'll help paint it." Frank says, gesturing between him and Aimee, who nods her head enthusiastically.

"Entertainment is better than I remember." Liam gestures to the dancing girl in the room while recording her.

"She works here." Aimee tells the boy as Tracy turns around.

"Oh hey Liam." Tracy greets him.

"Oh hey. Writing career going on well then?" He asks her. Everyone stares at them in confusion and they seem to get the hint as Liam gasps. "Oh! Yeah, we met in prison."

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