Moving On

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We were all in the living room when Tracy walks in.

"Listen up!" She says. "I've been offered a job in London. As a junior reporter for a newspaper."

"Wow." Carmen says.

"So I'm leaving." Everyones smiles turn into frowns. "Look, I've dreamt of this job ever since I lived here. I'm sorry I can't turn it down. It means to much."

I feel a bubble of anger burst inside of me. She was leaving us.

"So it means more than us? Well thanks for putting us in out place." I spit at her.

"No, I didn't mean it like that."

"Don't beat yourself up, Beaker. You're just one in a long line of care workers. Easy come, easy go." Sapphire says walking out.

"Bye-bye Tracy." Harry says following Sapphire.

"I'm not leaving yet."

"I think this is great. You can write about us and make us all famous." Carmen says with excitement.

How could she be so happy? Tracy is leaving us.

"I don't know about famous, but I would like to write about you. I want you to tell me what it's like to be in care."

"You already know what it's like to be in a care home." Lily states.

"Yeah but.. the editor wants the article to be from your point of view. It's kind of a test."

"Wait hold on, hold on, you want to leave us, but you want our help?" Liam asks.

"Yeah no thanks Tracy. I'd rather not." I say.

"Yeah. Sorry Tracy that sucks." We both start to walk out.

"Liam, Aimee, please!"

"You want out? Fine, go. But you ain't getting our help."

"Yeah Tracy. We aren't helping."

Liam takes my hand and we walk up to his room. 

"I can't believe she thinks she can ditch us and expect us to help her."
I say jumping down onto Liams bed.

"I know. She is expecting us to forget everything we have done for her and help her leave." He takes a seat beside me.

"Exactly. It's not happening."


We were all down for breakfast and Tracy wanted to talk to us.

"Look, I know you're all totally hacked off with me. I'm sorry for upsetting you. But we care kids don't get given breaks. So when an opportunity comes along we've got to take it. That's what I'm doing. Don't hate me for it."

I just look at her with anger and sadness.

"That's not why I hate you. I hate you for conning us. Giving it all that 'I'm there for you', 'We're all care kids together'. You are just using us so you can move on to do something better!" Sapphire exclaims, speaking for majority of us.

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now