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All the time we were in Burnywood I had been thinking about Liam.

I didn't think i liked Liam in that way. Sure I knew I loved him, but i was always thought it was only in a platonic way. But after thinking about it for so long I came to the realisation.

I like Liam O'donovan. Like I really like Liam O'donovan.

After what felt like years, me, Carmen, Sapphire and Harry were all going back to Elmtree House today.

Carmen had a big black eye and my cheek was cut because it hadn't healed fully after I got into a few fights. One of them was with some boy that stole alot of Carmens stuff. I had to intervene before he got away with anything. That caused me nothing but trouble.

That wasn't how i cut my cheek though. That was because some boy was in my room, going through my jewellery. I wouldn't have been so annoyed, but he tried to take the necklace Liam had bought me.

When i caught him he lifted the scissors from my desk and sliced them across my cheek. Now, I have to live with a long ugly scar from my jaw to right under my eye.

When we walk in Gina engulfs us all in hugs.

"Carmen, what's happened to your eye?" She asks the younger girl. "And Aimee what did you do to your cheek?"

"I'm fine." Carmen says, pushing her away.

"What happened babes?"

"No, she said she's fine." Sapphire snaps and they both head upstairs.

"Now, your cheek?"

"Some people tried to steal all our stuff and I got in a few fights for taking it back." I tell her. I don't understand why they're being cold with Gina, it's not her fault any of this happened.

"Oh babes!" She hugs me.

After I persuade to Gina that I am fine, I go upstairs to my room, flop onto my bed and close my eyes, not realising that there was another person there.

"Not going to say hi?" An all too well-known voice asks sarcastically. I immediately shoot up and tackle the person in a massive hug.

"Liam!" I shout.

"I missed you and I can see you missed me too." He laughs.

"Yeah. Burnywood was torture until everyone got scared of me." He just laughs, until he notices my cheek.

"Wait what happened to your face?" He rubs a thumb over the scar gently.

"I'm fine. I just got in a few fights to make sure our stuff wasn't nicked. When I say a few I mean, well I mean a bit more then a few."

I didn't want to tell him the truth about the necklace, he would either get cocky about it or blame himself. I didn't want to deal with either of those.

"Are you sure you're okay. It looks really bad -"

"Liam. I'm fine, I promise."

He pulls me in closer.

"I really missed you Aimee." He kisses me softly.

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now