Anarchy In The DG

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Everyone walks into the kitchen for lunch because Tracy made pizza for dinner.

"Ooh, my favourite." Liam says as we go over to the table. "Chicken and..ugh"

"It's chicken and-" She starts but I cut her off.

"What? Chicken and dead mouse?"

"Haha." She laughs mockingly "It's chicken and banana."

"Why did you put banana on it?" Tee asks in disgust.

"To give you an energy boost. I read about it online. People eat meat and fruit combos in other countries."

"Like ham and pineapple?" Johnny asks.

"Like pork and apple?" Toby asks.

"Excactly. It'll be great."

"Banana? I don't think so." Frank says.

"Trust me Frank, you're going to love it." We all sit down to eat when we hear Sapphire and Harry scream.

"Sapphire's probably broken a nail." Liam laughs.

"Or lost an earring." I add and high-five him. Once Tracy leaves the room I pick up my pizza, " This pizza's disgusting!" I throw it onto Liam's plate with a disgusted face.

"I don't want it." He says and throws both mine and his onto Frank's plate.

"I'm going to make sandwiches, who's helping?"

"I will."

We start making sandwiches and Tracy walks in.

"You guys didn't even try it." She says.

"We did."

"That's why we are making sandwiches." I smile innocently at her before Mike stumbles and knocks a tray over. We all look at him concerned.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." He says.

"Mike, go and lie down." Tracy tells him.

"Maybe for five minutes." He says and stands up.

"Just checking he gets upstairs alright." Toby says leaving.

"I'll help." Carmen states, as everyone but me, Liam, Frank, Harry and Johnny leaves.

"Know what we've got there."

"Rubbish?" Frank guesses.

"The definition of food poisoning?" I guess.

"Probably," he laughs ,"but not rubbish. A gold mine, that's what we've got."

He then explains his plan to us.

"The Orphan Pizza Company. All profits go to help save our local care home." Liam reads off the screen.

"Oh, please... do give generously to us poor little orphans!" I say mockingly and we all laugh until the phone rings.

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now