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Ever since we left for Burnywood nobody has seen Toby and we had all thought her moved out, so me and Liam went into his room and took his comics to sell them.

Also me and Liam talked, we didn't eant to label anything because it was so new but were practically dating. It's really confusing but we didn't want to make things weird. Things are just getting back to normal so for right now, we're happy with how things are.

One thing we knew for sure though was that we aren't going to tell anybody because rumours and drama spread around the DG like wildfire.

Anyway we sold the comics to the comic store owner and head into the kitchen for breakfast.

Mike is sitting at the head of the table with a few cans of paint. We sit down in the two empty chairs next to Frank and Liam shows him the money. He just huffs and shakes his head smiling.

"What Mike is trying to say is... you can all paint your own rooms!" Gina says handing out paintbrushes. I think I might get Liam and Frank to help paint my room, or even paint Liam's because the pink is starting to give me a headache everytime I'm in there.

"There's all this paint left over from last time you did it so, go on. Make your rooms over!"

"Jeff doesn't want to change." Harry says.

"My room's already a work of art." Sapphire says confidently.

"Ah - did Banksy stop at one more?" Mike asks.

"Ah, true."

"So um.. if we are going for a fresh start can I change rooms?"

"Yeah, cause there's...Rosie and Poppys old room. I mean we were going to ask if Aimee if she wanted it since its bigger but if she doesn't mind.." Gina trails off.

"No, you can have the room if you want Carmen. I like my smaller room." I say. That and the fact that it's closer to Liams.

"Thanks Aimee." She says smiling at me.

"Em.. Mike do we have any stripy paint?" Tee asks.

"You don't... oh I see what you did there." Mike says laughing.

"Can I paint my room the same colour it already is now?" Gus asks.

"Yes. Just make sure you use dust sheets guys. And clean the brushes when you're finished with them and don't spill too much paint! Please."

They all start talking about how Toby has been fostered and what's happening with his room.

"There's still loads of stuff in his room." Liam says.

"What stuff?" Carmen asks. We all go up to his room to so his stuff still there. "But this is all still Tobys stuff."

"He should've sorted something out." I say. If he wanted the stuff he should've taken it.

"Well I'm taking this."

"Don't just take things." Sapphire complains.

"You snooze and you loose."

We all start to grab things and bring them to our rooms.

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now