By The Book

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Liam and I came into the living room to put on a movie.

"Harry turn this off." Liam says and jumps over onto the sofa.

"Yeah. Let's watch 'Top Man' movies instead." I say, copying Liam's actions.

"Sapph!" Harry complains.

"Let him watch it Aimee." Sapphire exclaims.

"Oh come on Sapph, just one movie!"

"No. Besides when Gina catches you two watching horror movies, she'll confiscate them like that."

"She's right." I sigh in defeat.

"We should get our own TV and DVD player." He suggests.

"Good luck with that." Sapph laughs.

"That would be a good idea IF we had money." I mean where are we going to get the money for a TV from? Then Tracy walks in.

"House meeting in the kitchen guys." She tells us.

"But we're watching this." We all complain.



"As Gina says, lets think of washing up as if it is a game. Or tidying your room is a challenge, that way it doesn't have to be boring it can be fun." Tracy proposes the idea, but i think it sounds stupid.

"If it's challenging, why would I do it?" I ask genuinely.

"Yeah. I don't feel like tidying my room Tracy." Harry complains.

"We all have to do things we don't feel like doing, even you Aimee."

"No need to single me out." I mumble under my breath.

"I'll tell you what, what don't you and Jeff go tidy your room and I'll put a gold star in both your files, then everyone will know what a big help you've been today." Harry nods then runs off excitedly.

"Can me and Tee have gold stars too?" Johnny asks making us all laugh.

"Enough. Shut up! Yes Johnny. You can have gold stars. That is the attitude I like to see." Tracy praises him.

"What can we have? New TV set?" Liam asks.

"And a DVD player?" I add hopefully.

"I want some comics." Toby tells her.

"No. If gold stars are good enough for Johnny, they're good enough for everyone." She states sternly as a loud thump is heard from upstairs.

"Tracy!" Harry shouts.

"Coming! Better get a move on you lot." She stands up and walks off to help Harry.

"If you hadn't said anything, we could have had something better than your stupid gold stars." Liam complains to johnny in a harsh tone.

"Yeah, what do you want baby stars for?" I ask him, seriously why does he want stupid gold stars?

"Just do. Alright." Johnny defends.

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now