What you don't know

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Tee and Johnny had came back from a foster trial, but I didn't know much about it because me, Liam and Frank were making loads of 'Aim-ade' in the attic. After a good while Gina and Mike come up and try stop us.

"Look, what's the problem? We've done nothing wrong!" I say.

"Nothing wrong?" Gina questions. "This stuff could have exploded and blown a hole in the roof!"

"No, it couldn't!" Frank protests.

"We have fixed the recipe. It doesn't explode anymore." Liam tells them.

"Really?" Mike asks.

"Try some." I hand him a glass beaker of it.

"Don't do it Mike." Gina warns him but he does it anyway.

"Actually that's not bad." He says as me and Liam high five each other "Try it."


"Ah go on." She takes it and takes a drink.

"It's good. Isn't it?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's gorgeous. You know what. It's so gorgeous, why don't we take these down to the kitchen to share with everyone else!"

He hands us bottles and I stop smiling. We walk down the stairs and see Gina's plant smashed.

"Look at my plant!" She points at it. "Who did this?"

"Don't look at us we were with you!" Liam says as we continue to make our way to the kitchen.

"I don't know what you three are looking so miserable about." Mike says as he puts bottles into the cupboard under the sink. "You weren't planning to drink it all yourselves..."

"No but.." I start but Mike cuts me off.

"Obviously you weren't intending to sell it now were you?"

"No way."

"Course not." Frank says as Elektra walks in.

"Ooh, Aim-ade! Is that for everyone?" She asks just to be ignored.

"We're not going to get it all in here guys." Mike says and I turn to Elektra.

"You knew we were making it!" Liam says pointing at her. "That's why you told them?"

"Don't know what you're talking about." She takes the bottle from my hands. "I don't snitch, do I Mike?" He shakes his head. "See?" I just smile sarcastically at her before turning back around.


We all got to go bowling to cheer Johnny up because Tee got fostered on her own. When we get their we see Tee with her foster family. We all go over to her.

"Hey Tee. Are you alright?" I ask as I hug her. I won't lie, I miss the younger girl. Even though she was quiet at times her presence just radiated hapiness.

"Yeah." She replies. She looks happy with her new foster family but I can tell something is bothering her.

"Alright you lot!" Mike says. "Let's get bowling!" We all start to walk over to him before Tee stops me and Liam.

"Wait. Where's Johnny?" She asks.

"I don't know. He was here a minute ago." Liam says and shrugs.

"Yeah. I'm sure he's just getting a drink or something." I add before we head back to Mike. We get our shoes on and start bowling when we all turn towards Tee shouting.

"Why does everyone think they know what I need! Why doesn't anyone ask me!" She shouts before storming off. We all turn back around after she is gone.

I was going to run after her but decided Tracy had it covered. I was playing against Liam and Frank. Obviously I won.

"Ha!" I say.

"What? How!" Liam asks.

"Because I'm better then you two. Duh." I say sarcastically making them laugh.


Tee was back from the Watsons for good and Me and Frank were playing pool while Liam was playing the guitar. He was actually pretty good not going to lie. I was singing to the song he was playing quietly until Seth walked in and gave Toby something.

"What you got there Toby?" Frank asks.

"Axeblood, the fighting sorcerer." He says bringing it over. I sit on top of the pool table listening to Liam playing the guitar, instead of what Toby was saying because it was pretty boring. I lean my head against Liam's arm, closing my eyes and humming to the song.

(A/N) very short and bad chapter but idc

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now