Burnywood Menace

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We were all in the kitchen making a tower out of the off brand beans and toast we've been given when Tracy walks in.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Making a tower. What's it look like?" I ask.

"Ok, why?"

"You don't expect us to eat this rubbish, do you?" Sapphire asks in disbelief.

"They keep giving us these horrible cheap beans." Carmen says.

"And I think you'll find that they're past their sell-by." Tee adds, holding the can up.


"Only by a few days. We've got to save money." Tracy tells us.

"Well look we haven't had takeaways." "I can't go swimming." Toby and Sapphire say and the same time.

"And no electrical time." Johnny adds.

"Ok. Ok. I know it's a little bit rubbish."

"A little bit?" I ask.

Just then Gus comes in with his hands on his head.

"They've cancelled my piano lessons!" He says. "I always have piano lessons on Wednesday! If I don't have piano lessons, then Wednesday won't work!"

Liam walks over to Tracy and tells her,
"Look me in the eye Tracy Beaker, and tell me this is fair."

Tracy came back in and told us that we would have to move to Burnywood if we don't make the cuts work.

"Burnywood?" Liam asks disgusted.

"They can't do that!" I protest. Last time i was in burnywood, I swear there was nothing as horrible.

"This is our home." Tee adds. She is right. This is our home and nobody can take that away.

"That's why we need to make these cuts work." Tracy tells us.

"Nah just don't get sucked in." Sapphire says shaking her head "If they want to shut us down, they'll do it. Doesn't matter how much money we save."

She walks out of the kitchen.

"Sapph, come back."

"We've done a stretch in Burnywood. We're not going back." Liam say pointing at me and I nod.

"Then help us make it cheaper here, and you won't need to. Neither will anyone else."

"Everyone, let's show these council muppets how to run this place on the cheap." I tell everyone and they all agree.

We walk out of the kitchen and look for things to sell.

"Sell the best on the net and we can shift the rest." Liam tells Gus. Harry drops some games and blames it on Jeff when I tell Gus,

"We can get £20 for the sofa."

"How do you know?"

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now