Bad Luck Boy

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(A/N) i was going to change the person on all of these but ive gave up after the first chapter

I am in the kitchen with some of the others eating breakfast, while Tracy is making Toby a 'perfect' boiled egg.

"Four minutes twenty." Toby states. I look up and see Harry feeding Jeff cereal.

"Harry be careful and don't get milk on Jeff or-"  I was cut off when Liam walks in and sits beside me.

"Jeff is gonna reek so bad." He says, blowing out a seemingly held breath.

"Main point is don't get any milk on Jeff please."

"Four minutes twenty seven!" Toby yells.

"I'm on it!" Tracy lifts the egg out of the water, "Go, Aimee toast!" I get up and duck under Tracy's arm and she manages to not drop the egg, that is until she trips on a stool and the egg goes flying.

Some how she catches the egg, which is a little disappointing because I wanted to see it fall and crack on the table. She puts the egg in Toby's egg cup and I put the plate of toast on the table.

Toby said his egg was perfect but spoke too soon because when he went to put salt on the lid fell off and the whole shaker of salt falls on.

"I'll do you another one."

"What's the point. I told you, from the day I was born, I'm jinxed." Toby says disappointed.


Me, Liam and Toby were building a tower of cards and Johnny walks in, bumping Toby, and almost knocking it down.

"Sapphire this came." He tells her, handing her an envelope.

She stood up and screamed causing Toby to knock down the tower.

"Nice one." Frank says.

Sapph starts saying something about how her dad got her tickets for Dizzee or something.

We start building our tower again as Sapph leaves the room and goes up stairs talking Gina. Suddenly she screams

"I hate you!"

"Jeez. Calm down Sapph!" I shout from the living room.

"No!" She yells back and I hear her storm up the stairs.

"Oh my-"

I just sigh and we go back to building our tower in peace.


I was outside with Toby and Liam because Toby was freaking out.

"Don't stress about it." I tell him and push Liam on the rope again.

"I'm not." He states confidently.

"You just gotta own the field, you know what I'm saying." Liam climbs down off the rope, "Let them know you're someone spectacular, from the start. Do you want to practise?"

"And which of your FIVE foster parents did that work on best?"

"Alright then. Do you want to play football? You want to play football? Aw thanks!" I laugh at him and follow him as Toby drags behind us.

Liam, Johnny and I start moving chairs and stuff out of the way.

"You, me and Aimee versus them." Liam says as he puts an arm around Toby's shoulders. "1-1 formation. Go down the right flank, switch to the left, I'll cross it in header top corner... got it?"

"Oh, just forget it! The ball will burst, or you'll hurt yourself." Toby says.

"Don't be stupid." Johnny tells him.

"Liam can play so how hard can it be?" I ask. Liam puts a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "Oh man up."

Just as he is about to reply Johnny kicks the ball and we start playing and Toby goes to kick the ball and he falls over making us all laugh.

"Unbelievable." Liam laughs, holding on to me to keep balance.

We were just messing about but then Toby runs inside upset.

"Is he ok? We were just mucking about?"

We didn't intend to hurt Toby's feeling, we just thought what had happened was funny.

"I don't know. We should probably just leave him alone today." Johnny suggests. We all agree and just go back to playing football.


Everyone was mucking with Toby about Tracy's Bad Luck Boy story before he runs upstairs. Me and Liam both chase up after him to try comfort him.

"We were just mucking around. We didn't really mean it." I say as I sit at the end of his bed.

"It's just like, we've all had bad luck." Liam says sympathetically, sitting on the chair beside the bed.

"Especially all of us in here."

"So that's why people are going to try and rip it out of you."

Toby just shakes his head at us.

"We're sorry Toby."


I hear Carmen screaming from the bathroom, so obviously I run in and see loads of others there.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I push my way to see what it is. "Oh calm down it's just a spider."

I lift it out and bring it outside with the others following behind. I set it down beside the tree.

"Weren't you scared?" Carmen asks.

"No, of course she wasn't." Tee states admiringly.

I knew Tee looked up to me in a way and it made me feel proud almost, as if i wasn't as bad as everyone else in the house made me out to be.

"No. Spiders are harmless." I tell them Suddenly a car pulls up and Toby runs inside. They must be the Scotts, the couple that wants to foster Toby.

"Toby wait!" Tracy shouts and we all run in after him.


In the end Toby didn't get fostered because he didn't want to, and stopped believing he had bad luck after Sapph did her weird phyicic cards with him. I'm not sure what the card read but it was good enough to make him happy.

And he also joined in with me, Liam and Frank playing football, causing everyone else to join in, even Sapphire.

Speaking of Sapph, she didn't go to the concert due to Johnny and Tee flushing her tickets down the toilet by accident. She wasn't very happy beforehand but she must have cooled down a little.

1000 words

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