Day at the Beach

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Mike decided that we would go to the beach to celebrate my mum getting locked away. Now that the scars on my legs had healed over, i could wear shorts.

We all get on the bus and I sit beside Liam. Mike shows us a video camera we are bringing with us and gives it to Tracy.

We aren't even 2 metres away from where we were and Tee throws up.
"Ewww." We all say. We actually leave and Tracy cleans it up and I record her with the video camera.

Bad idea giving it to me and Liam.

"You missed a bit." Liam says and both of us laugh.

"It stinks!" I say. "When it gets hot in here it's gonna.." I can't even finish my sentence and gag.

"Shut up." Tracy says and throws the cloth she used to clean the vomit at me and Liam. We both start retching and Liam throws it at Frank.

Tracy's phone starts to ring and her first reply to the person is, "Is this a joke?" So I start to record her. She hangs up. "200 smackers."

"What's this?" Mike asks her.

"A online bookstore just bought a load of my books!"

"Really?" I ask surprised.

"Don't act so surprised!"

"Can they read?" Liam jokes making me laugh.

"I'm rich."

"Uh Tracy. Don't forget you owe Cam the money." Gina reminds her, bursting her bubble.

"Well I'm rich until I tell Cam."


Tracy took the video camera back and was recording everyone. They were all talking about why Tee was sick, but me and Liam found more pleasure in torturing Sapphire.

"Looking good Sapph." I tell her as she smears her lipstick going over a bump.

"Who's it for, Mr Crab?" Liam says.

"What about Mr Fish?" I make a fish face.

"Mr Octopus?" Frank adds waving his arms.

"Grow up, guys." She tells us, fed up.

"I've done a checklist for everybody. Let's start with me. Me. Check. Towel. Check. Packed lunch. Check. Spade with loose handle. Check. Who's next?" Gus says.

"Oh. Me, me, me!" Liam says raising his hand. "Head. Check." He knocks his head making me and Frank laugh.

"Liam! Towel."

"Check! Oh no, it's stripey!"

"That's my towel, that one's yours." I say taking the towel and putting it back in my bag.

"Trunks?" Gus asks.

"They're not check." He says pulling everything out of the bag.

"Mike, Liam forgot his trunks!"

"We can't turn back now. Never mind. You can always go in your underpants!" Mike says and I start to laugh hysterically.

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now