Good Luck Boy

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(A/N) I skipped the last episode bc I didn't know how to put Aimee into the situation.

Me, Liam and Frank were watching Tracy learn to drive with Mike and Gina. She started reversing and nearly knocked me over, but Liam grabbed my wrist before she could.

"Thank you for trying to kill me Tracy!" I say sarcastically. "Always wanted to die young!"

"Sorry!" She yells.

Despite Mike telling us to go inside we still stayed out that was until now.
As soon as we walk in the door Johnny comes running up to us.

"What opens doors in Florida? Quickly come on!" He asks us.

"Battering rams?" "Americans?" Liam and Frank guess.

"Keys?" I finally guess.

"Thank you so much!" He says and runs into the office with us following behind.

"Keys!" Johnny shouts.

"The Florida keys?" Toby asks into the phone.

"What's happening?" I whisper to Johnny.

"He's winning a holiday to Florida!" We all start listening into the call when the front door opens. We all run out the other door and go into the toy closet.

The woman on the phone asks "What animal has represented the Florida keys for over 200 million years?"


"Dinosaur?" Frank asks.

"No, no it's a... it's an alligator!" I say.
The woman on the phone says we won the holiday and we all start to cheer.

"My luck has finally changed!" Toby exclaims. "T-o-b-y."

"Ah bless him. He's learned how to spell his name." Liam jokes.

"Well done Toby you have won a free holiday for you and your family." The woman says.

"Do we have to be a family?" He asks

"We do specialise in family holidays."

"Well that's good because, we're a big family." Liam says grabbing the phone.

"A really big family." I add.

"Sorry. That was my brother and sister." Toby apologises, giving us a death glare.

"So what time will our local representative, Terrie Fender, come by?"

Liam and I grab the phone again.

"Today would be nice."

"Any time. It doesn't matter."

We all left the toy closet and snuck down to the office. Me, Liam, Johnny and Frank hide under the window outside.

Toby gets up and goes inside and tells Mike and Gina his 'Uncle Andrew' is coming round and that he might act strange.

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now