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Me, Liam and Frank are sitting in my room when Mike calls us out.

"I hear you're subcontracting again." Johnny turns off the hoover so we can hear Mike. "What's the going rate this time?"

"Two giant packets of cheesy worms." Johnny tells him. Me and Liam put our hands up in defence.

"It's a fair market rate." I say.

"Yeah two." Liam adds holding up that amount of fingers.

"Has anyone discovered where that nasty smell is coming from." Gina asks, walking up the hallway.

There's a really bad smell coming from somewhere in the house and I'm pretty sure it's Gus' room, so me, Liam and Frank have resorted to putting nose plugs in.

"It's definitely not the bathrooms."

"Take a whiff outside Gus' bedroom. It's enough to melt your nose." Tee says dramatically.

"Right come on then."

"You lot come on." We all follow them to outside Gus' room.

"Oh. It's been worse since Wednesday, when it got sunny."

"Gus is back from his dad's tomorrow, it must be sorted by then." Mike tells us.

"Right. I'm going in." Gina opens the door and walks in all of us following after her.

"Ugh. It stinks." We all complain.

Gina reaches under his bed and grabs dirty dishes, that have mould and maggots.

"Oh-h! Look at that."

"Oh god- I think I'm going to vomit. Ugh." I gag, turning away.

"How did this happen?"

"Somebody's been letting Gus eat in his room." Mike states.

"Tracy Beaker!"

"Out, out." Mike pushes us all out which I am very glad about, if I was in there any longer I think I would vomit.

Mike and Gina decided as a punishment, that me, Liam and Frank would clean Gus' room.

"Alright. Your mission is to seek and destroy." He tells us, giving us more cleaning products.

"But why us?" Frank asks.

"Because it's time you three did some work!"

"You know what Gus is like. If we his stuff, he'll freak!" I tell them.

"Exactly!" Liam agrees.

"Right so here's what you do. Make sure you put everything back where you found it." Gina tells us.

"See you later guys." They both quickly leave the room.

"They could only have give it to us, eh." Liam complains.

"I know! It's so unfair!" I say throwing the black bags Mike gave me at the wall.

While we are moving Gus' cupboards, we find his notebooks.

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now