Family Values

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Lily and her sisters are getting fostered today and Carmen is really upset about it. We are all standing outside to wave them off. After we say bye they begin to drive off and we run after the car before it leaves the driveway and shout bye.

Although Lily and I weren't that close i was still friends with her and was upset she was leaving, but Carmen was devastated. Atleast she gets her own room now.

Frank, Liam and I had been with Frank's grandad all day and he gave Frank a family heirloom. It was a pocket-watch that had been passed down through his family for years.

We were with Gina and Mike, showing them it when Tracy walks down the hall about to leave.

"Tracy, come look at this." Mike tells her.


"Yeah, Frank's grandfather gave it to him it. It was his great-great-great grandfathers." Gina tells her.

"No, Gina, that's where you're wrong. It was his great-great-great-GREAT-grandfather." Liam jokes.

"Really, I thought it was his great-great-great-great-GREAT- grandfather." I add and everyone laughs while Gina says,

"Ok, ok we get it is very old."


The next day we are talking to Mike and Gina about how Carmen has nicked everyones stuff.

She took a bracelet of mine that means a lot to me. It was the one my dad gave me when I was younger, before he died. It is the only thing I have left of him so I'm really annoyed that Carmen took it.

Mike and Gina are trying to sort everything but they can't hear what anyone is saying over all of us talking. Tracy came in clueless and asked Toby what was going on.

"Ok everyone shut up so they can hear what we are saying!" I shout. And everyone finally shuts up.

"Thank you. I will explain everything WITHOUT any interruptions. All the children have had something stolen from them, including Frank's pocket-watch. And now Carmen has barricaded herself in her room and won't talk to anybody." Gina tells her.

Tracy starts to walk upstairs against Gina's protests, she still continues to go.

"Go on. Go and wait in the living room. We will deal with this, yeah?" We still all just stay in our places on the stairs.
"Look, I SAID we will deal with it!"

"Ok, ok, ok ,ok..." Liam says.

"Guys, let the 'adults' deal with it." I tell everyone else and wink at them as we all make our way to the living room.


We all snuck into the kitchen and start to fill balloons with water.

"Then what?" Sapph asks.

"Me and Liam will just tell her we want to talk. She'll let us in..." I say.

"The when we get in we'll throw the water bombs, grab our stuff and leave." Liam finishes.

"And if she doesn't open the window?"

"Well.. I'll just smash it then."

"No you won't." I tell him, giving him a look.

"Yeah I will."

"Mhm, right okay." He just chuckles at me then we go back to filling up water bombs. We get a ladder and put it up against the window.

"Right give us the bags." Liam tells the other kids.

Once we have the bags we start to climb up, me first. Once I reach the top I am faced with Tracy. Oh no.

Then Gina and Mike come out and start to ask what is going on. Then one of the bottoms of the bags rip and the water bombs fall out.

Gina comes over beside the ladder and tells us to come down and the bottom of the other bag rips and the water bombs burst all over Gina. I clap my hand over my mouth and turn to look at Liam. We are in so much trouble.

"House meeting in the kitchen NOW!" She shouts. I turn back around and start to climb down the ladder, knowing that we can't escape our inevitable doom.

"Your behaviour is totally out of order. And dangerous!" Mike yells and points at me and Liam for the dangerous part. We both just turn around again and I roll my eyes while Liam mimics Mike.

"We will work out what punishment is appropriate, and WE will take the necessary action." Gina says, "Nine against one is never fair, no matter what she did! Am I making myself clear?"

Suddenly Tracy come into the kitchen and opens a box full of our stuff and lifting Jeff out.

"Jeff!" Harry says and grabs Jeff from Tracy's grip. We all grab our stuff from the box.

"Well done Tracy." Mike congratulates her.

"Look she didn't steal the stuff to keep it. She was making a point. She was hurting and... I didn't take it seriously enough." She tells us.

"She better get punished for this." Sapph says annoyed.

"But your phone is okay, ain't it?" I ask her.

"Yeah but what if it wasn't?"

"But it is!" Liam speaks up.

"What are you both on her side now?"

"Frank your watch is okay and Aims your bracelet is okay, yeah?"

"Yeah it's fine. Now we've all got our stuff back, everything is okay now." I say, trying to leave it at peace.

"That's not the point. She stole our most precious things."

"Maybe that IS the point." Johnny says, coming to a realisation.

"Carmen's not going to get HER precious things back." Tee states.

"Lily and her sisters."

"That's it! She wanted a less direct way of telling us something." Gus points out.
"And WE weren't listening."

We planned that Gus would go and give Carmen a paper airplane telling her to come downstairs and play a card game with us. We started playing and Liam thought he one, but me being myself had to burst his bubble.

"Haha. Don't get too cocky Liam." I say placing my cards down.

"Ughh." He groans. We all start talking when Carmen walks in. And sits down.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Anyways, now we've got a new player for me to beat."

We were sitting at the table eating lunch when Gina comes in.

"Carmen. Lily's on the phone." Carmen grabs the phone and leaves the room excitedly. It's good to see Carmen happy again.

1060 words
(A/N) I want to change all of this but i really cba

KIDS -- liam O'Donovan Where stories live. Discover now